Never Ending Mimimi Or Not
Started by LordDante, Aug 21 2013 05:41 AM
30 replies to this topic
Posted 22 August 2013 - 01:15 AM
lol this thread is half a year late... you shoudl've seen the feedback QQ for ECM when it first came out. by that experience most people with brains know what's happening now is here to stay anyways.
QQ has been happening alot since open beta and now many chamals backs are broken. good for the games rep when it spreads like the virus it is. Hope you satisfied customers don't end up on an island when you can't dismiss bugs, server failiers, poor balance, still no better game modes to take over the "temporary" ones, MM turmoil, modules breaking game play then other features render them pointless, features that don't function at all {zoom module command console DX11 etc}, once the beta tag is gone...
additional: I know why the site has been crashing. last time they tried to nerf QQ by getting rid of gen disc, now qq is on the whole website. Guess what they're going to nerf next...
QQ has been happening alot since open beta and now many chamals backs are broken. good for the games rep when it spreads like the virus it is. Hope you satisfied customers don't end up on an island when you can't dismiss bugs, server failiers, poor balance, still no better game modes to take over the "temporary" ones, MM turmoil, modules breaking game play then other features render them pointless, features that don't function at all {zoom module command console DX11 etc}, once the beta tag is gone...
additional: I know why the site has been crashing. last time they tried to nerf QQ by getting rid of gen disc, now qq is on the whole website. Guess what they're going to nerf next...
Posted 22 August 2013 - 03:32 AM
LordDante, on 21 August 2013 - 06:21 AM, said:
uhhh i bet U lost a lot of money for coming up so close and personal ..... PGI/Piranah didnt changed their mind for the first time, they did it with a lot of things ( coolant flush for mc´s anyone ? ) i cant understand that people are acting like somone "stole" them money... and now they want it back. if u think that ur gettin a refund u probably will end up being very dissapointed. ( what ur obviously are

Poor spelling I have no issue with,bad punctuation I can deal with.Even terrible formatting I will give a pass.
But I can never understand using "U" or "UR" instead of You or You're or You Are.
I suppose it does avoid the problem of using your when you wanted you're by using UR instead but it still looks like the post was typed by a caveman.
Posted 22 August 2013 - 04:15 AM
i learnd english trough the internet and forums ... who did u expect ? frickn oscar wilde ?
Posted 22 August 2013 - 07:48 AM
WHere is the option for not knowing what "mimi" is? Seriously, where do these internet fad words come from? Grrr!
Posted 22 August 2013 - 11:14 AM
Lykaon, on 22 August 2013 - 03:32 AM, said:
Poor spelling I have no issue with,bad punctuation I can deal with.Even terrible formatting I will give a pass.
But I can never understand using "U" or "UR" instead of You or You're or You Are.
I suppose it does avoid the problem of using your when you wanted you're by using UR instead but it still looks like the post was typed by a caveman.
So if someone can't spell good is prehistoric caveman? LOL dude. He can speak english! I believe you can't speak his native language. I know he can speak atleast two languages or more, how many can you? For instance i can speak 4 languages and can't spell 3 of them to your standards so that makes me a caveman who can speak 4 languages? WOW that is 3 years old logic at best! Next time when you try to troll someone pick a different approach...
Posted 22 August 2013 - 11:46 AM
LordDante, on 21 August 2013 - 05:41 AM, said:
really guys i think its ok to feel ripped and dissapointed but for me the tidalwave of whining that going on in here is really hard to take for a grown up man
However it is by being vocal, things get changed. Just like you, PGI gets tired of the whining as well and if they get tired enough, they might actually change things, I mean after all, if we are pissed off enough with things, we quit paying their salaries.
Posted 22 August 2013 - 11:52 AM
This thread doesn't belong in Gameplay balance. Moving.
Posted 24 August 2013 - 04:40 AM
I like the second post. That guy sure hit the nail on the head there.
Apply cold water to BURN, OP.
Apply cold water to BURN, OP.
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