I am not going to rabbit on about what is missing from this game. Lord knows there are already enough posts pointing that out. What I am going to say is why I am not enjoying this game any more.
Let me come out and say right now that I am a skilled player. I am not competition quality, but I can land an ERPPC on the correct component at 1000m quite reliably. What I have to say does not come from a deep seated jealously of other players, nor does it come from a large losing streak. It comes from objective assessment of my stats and experiences.
I can't seem to get any better. That is what is taking away the fun. I have hit a ceiling. If anything I am getting worse. I need to understand why. And no amount of forum hypothetises or twitch videos can answer the questions I have. I need to know why things happen if I am to learn from them. I need to know how I took damage when I was in cover. I need to know why my weapons aren't damaging my target. I need to know why my accuracy with some weapons has dropped 15% in the last 2 months. I need to know why I do 70% more damage with one build over another similar build. I need to know why my arm just fell off.
I feel like an NPC in someone else's game.

Started by Kazairl, Nov 20 2013 04:56 PM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 20 November 2013 - 04:56 PM
Posted 20 November 2013 - 07:46 PM
Kazairl, on 20 November 2013 - 04:56 PM, said:
I need to know why I do 70% more damage with one build over another similar build. I need to know why my arm just fell off.
One word for you... "Lagger!"
Anyway... Sure.... 1KM any component you with ERPPC... ... In testing ground against stationary mechs. Maybe.
In live.. Against moving targets. Noway.. Not ever the best can do it... Especially since the speed nerf.I have seen the best...
PGI.. Official word is.. HSR is broken... Your guess or my guess if they will ever fix it... Personally I almost had it myself...
But I change my setups as workaround and lead even with lasers to where I think the mech really is.
You generally do not have problem wacking big slow and stationery targets. Once they start to move.. Good luck to the HPBs... You have to work much much harder to get your damage and kills.
Posted 21 November 2013 - 01:46 AM
So... many... ellipses...
Although, OP, I also feel similarly. But I use a lot of SRMs, so I know why my damage has been way off lately.
Although, OP, I also feel similarly. But I use a lot of SRMs, so I know why my damage has been way off lately.
Posted 23 November 2013 - 06:53 PM
ShinVector, on 20 November 2013 - 07:46 PM, said:
Anyway... Sure.... 1KM any component you with ERPPC... ... In testing ground against stationary mechs. Maybe.
In live.. Against moving targets. Noway.. Not ever the best can do it... Especially since the speed nerf.I have seen the best...
In live.. Against moving targets. Noway.. Not ever the best can do it... Especially since the speed nerf.I have seen the best...
Well yeah I was exaggerating a little, but in my defense, it is easier to hit targets at 1000m than targets at 700m because they tend to me less evasive.
Posted 23 November 2013 - 10:01 PM
Honestly, unfortunately the big giveaway to me is that you're on the other side of the planet than the servers. This must be very frustrating for you, and I don't know that I have easy answers. Also, if you have a lower level rig, your FPS can be killing your skill level.
The only way I've learned to be better at this game is listening to players in my unit. Too many tips over too much time to even list. Also, this game would have gotten very very stale a long time ago if I dropped solo, like ever. This game isn't fun without tactics and communication. Even 4 mans have gotten pretty stale for me, lately. Hoping CW comes along before the 12 mans become too stale too.
Remember also, that as you get better, you are facing better competition in general. Your ELO is tied to your weight class; I drop in Mediums most of the time, it's my best mech, so that's where my best ELO is. When I drop in Heavies and Assaults, I generally do much better because my ELO has never had a chance to catch up. YMMV
The only way I've learned to be better at this game is listening to players in my unit. Too many tips over too much time to even list. Also, this game would have gotten very very stale a long time ago if I dropped solo, like ever. This game isn't fun without tactics and communication. Even 4 mans have gotten pretty stale for me, lately. Hoping CW comes along before the 12 mans become too stale too.
Remember also, that as you get better, you are facing better competition in general. Your ELO is tied to your weight class; I drop in Mediums most of the time, it's my best mech, so that's where my best ELO is. When I drop in Heavies and Assaults, I generally do much better because my ELO has never had a chance to catch up. YMMV
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