Hello, this is probably one of my first posts on these forums, but I am experienced beta tester who has done QA in the past, and surely cares about the success of this game, and its franchise.
Also, if this has been suggested before, my apologies. I tried searching and did not come up with anything related.
TL;DR: Seeing your 'Mech in third person is very useful for learning; perhaps moving it to a tutorial would ensure that new players understand that they have an independent torso.
I have been on and off with MWO since I got accepted into the beta, first because of hardware issues, and then because I was simply no good at the game! But each time I return, I make sure that I do a training match to re-familiarize myself with the controls, and assume that I am a new player.
Today, (Aug 23rd), I got into a training match with my Trial Raven, and as the camera moved out of the cockpit, my jaw dropped. I did indeed understand that this game would not have 3rd person view, and I spent a long time changing my habits in Mech Warrior 4 because I expected to only use 1st person! However, I also did play for a long time in 3rd person, and was a fan of Mech Assault 2, whether you care or not.
I read our president's understanding of the issue, and I agree with him. However, a quick look on these forums make it abundantly clear that its inclusion in the game is an issue that has to be fixed beyond how it is right now.Of course, no one knows about how much this is a 'beta' than the devs themselves, and I am 100% confident that they will continue to try to get it right until they do.
Having designed tutorials before, my immediate thought was this solution:
By incorporating the 3rd person view into a tutorial, or even the start of each match, players can get the ideas they need about how the game works without having to resort to enabling the mode 100% of the time.
I actually had to edit this post after realizing that we do not have a tutorial in this game, and so I am not quite sure more to say on the issue. Consult Mech Warrior 4's tutorial.
You could do this in a very cinematic way, too. Have the instructor take control of your 'Mech, and move the camera outside of the 'Mech, have the player circle strafe something, then have them do it again in 1st person, and then do a figure eight in 1st person.
Of course, making the torso turn indicator more obvious could be another solution.
And in regards to the start of a match, perhaps every match could have a 30 second start-up time where each player starts their 'Mech as they load the game, and then become able to move around the map, but at a reduced speed until the game timer begins. I am not implying that this should be 100% complete and never changing, of course it's not the most amazing idea. But the point is that players would then walk around in 3rd person until the timer ends, which would lead to the camera moving back into the cockpit.
Again, the realization that the game does not have a tutorial really diminishes this idea, but if anyone has anything to add to it, or comments, please add. Give your opinions, positive and negative. Thanks.
[Suggestion] Move 3Rd Person View To Tutorial
Started by TartarusMkII, Aug 23 2013 04:09 PM
6 replies to this topic
Posted 23 August 2013 - 04:09 PM
Posted 23 August 2013 - 04:19 PM
NO!! NO!! NO!! many are enjoying 3rd person just like it is thanks.
![Posted Image](http://foothockey.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/no-way-jose.jpg)
Posted 23 August 2013 - 04:19 PM
The stated design goal of including 3PV against the wishes of the paying community at large was to help the new player. Adding 3pv to the training grounds and/or a tutorial is a great, sensible idea. That's probably why PGI won't listen to it.
Why am I cynical? They added a 3PV that fails to help the new player and simultaneously angers the core player base. 3PV is a detriment to the new player and his team thanks to the big flashy come kill me beacon. It hides the mini-map and locks your arms so even if you wanted to play full time in 3pv, you really couldn't. You're going to have to switch back and forth. It's a lukewarm implementation.
So what have they accomplished? You've given the Third Person crowd a mode that is half baked and will only irritate them. They've also completely incensed the "hardcore" base that gave PGI 5 million dollars in Founders packages after it was made clear that we don't want any part of this 3pv nonsense.
You might not be able to please all of the people all of the time, but you can certainly disappoint everyone at the same time. Well played PGI. Enjoy that negative publicity right here before your launch party!
Why am I cynical? They added a 3PV that fails to help the new player and simultaneously angers the core player base. 3PV is a detriment to the new player and his team thanks to the big flashy come kill me beacon. It hides the mini-map and locks your arms so even if you wanted to play full time in 3pv, you really couldn't. You're going to have to switch back and forth. It's a lukewarm implementation.
So what have they accomplished? You've given the Third Person crowd a mode that is half baked and will only irritate them. They've also completely incensed the "hardcore" base that gave PGI 5 million dollars in Founders packages after it was made clear that we don't want any part of this 3pv nonsense.
You might not be able to please all of the people all of the time, but you can certainly disappoint everyone at the same time. Well played PGI. Enjoy that negative publicity right here before your launch party!
Edited by Atomicoxen, 23 August 2013 - 04:21 PM.
Posted 23 August 2013 - 04:32 PM
I do not share your cynicism. I loved Mech games since I was a kid, but never really got into them because I was too young to be any use in the game. Finally, someone made me aware that I could bind the torso twist to my mouse, and once I enabled 3rd person view, I suddenly got it.
There should be no doubt that 3rd person view helps new players. However, I just don't think it needs to be enabled 100% of the time, and there are many ways of showing it to players in other ways.
I just watched MWO's tutorial on youtube from October, and frankly, it was so-so. We as a community and a studio should be able to do better to teach new players "a thinking man's shooter".
Why not make a new video to showcase how mechs work that is a video you can watch right from the lobby? I mean, there's just so many ways to get people to realize, "Hey, your torso twists."
I can understand the disappointment of seeing people walk up to the game booth and then walk away. They didn't have a tutorial to tell them anything about how the game is played.
There are a lot of angry people on this forum, but I think if PGI would agree to reconcile with us and ensure us that they are open to ideas, we can generate a lot of productive solutions rather than just rage.
There should be no doubt that 3rd person view helps new players. However, I just don't think it needs to be enabled 100% of the time, and there are many ways of showing it to players in other ways.
I just watched MWO's tutorial on youtube from October, and frankly, it was so-so. We as a community and a studio should be able to do better to teach new players "a thinking man's shooter".
Why not make a new video to showcase how mechs work that is a video you can watch right from the lobby? I mean, there's just so many ways to get people to realize, "Hey, your torso twists."
I can understand the disappointment of seeing people walk up to the game booth and then walk away. They didn't have a tutorial to tell them anything about how the game is played.
There are a lot of angry people on this forum, but I think if PGI would agree to reconcile with us and ensure us that they are open to ideas, we can generate a lot of productive solutions rather than just rage.
Posted 23 August 2013 - 05:46 PM
So you couldn't figure out that the top half of the mech moved independently of the bottom half without 3pv? The shaded area on the minimap and the arrow showing the heading of your legs didn't clue you in? Never played a game that has tanks in it? Turrets behave the same way.
I'm not being snarky here, I'm honestly curious. None of the people I've introduced to the game had any trouble with it, but we're all fairly seasoned gamers with hundreds of different titles in our past. If you're the person who needed 3pv, then your opinion is more valid on this topic than mine.
PGI, listen to this guy, move 3pv to the training grounds and make a tutorial. Please listen to the player you are trying to court with this change.
I'm not being snarky here, I'm honestly curious. None of the people I've introduced to the game had any trouble with it, but we're all fairly seasoned gamers with hundreds of different titles in our past. If you're the person who needed 3pv, then your opinion is more valid on this topic than mine.
PGI, listen to this guy, move 3pv to the training grounds and make a tutorial. Please listen to the player you are trying to court with this change.
Posted 23 August 2013 - 05:51 PM
My massive post included this suggestion as well, glad to see I am not the only one with this idea.
Posted 23 August 2013 - 06:22 PM
Tsume Eiranis, on 23 August 2013 - 05:51 PM, said:
My massive post included this suggestion as well, glad to see I am not the only one with this idea.
Sorry to undercut you!
And I already knew how 'Mechs work. I agree, it's a bit odd to think that people don't understand the torso twist if it's already linked to the mouse, but like I said ,there could be improvements, such as making the torso twist HUD element above the nav-bar more obvious. Personally, that's what I use.
Awareness is a b!@#$, but I think I quickly got used to it. I am still !@#$ at this game, but it's not because I play in 1st person. I'd miss even more shots if I were in 3rd, I think.
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