Posted 23 August 2013 - 09:31 PM
Well, since the current heat threshold is roughly 50, minimum (slightly less if you use a sub-250 engine), that means just about any mech can fire 5 PPC, or 4 ERPPCs without overheating (ignoring the 'ghost heat' penalties). If they got rid of the free heat cap (30), then you could fire two PPCs simultaneously, or just one ERPPC. With higher dissipation, this results in the ability to still pack a lot of firepower, but it cannot be fired all at once.
And that's the key point. Having to fire their weapons separately leads to the damage being more spread out, giving mechs a better chance of surviving when moving from cover to cover, or while advancing on a target. One would not be able to simply fire a single 35-damage shot at a target the moment they peek out of cover, meaning that you can risk exposing yourself briefly, and only take a little damage, rather than a crippling, unavoidable blow.
Even then, large alphas would still be possible, but it would require additional heatsinks. Alpha damage would be lower, and chain/stagger firing would become much more practical.
Even if we doubled heat dissipation, a mech with 10DHS would only be able to fire one ERPPC at a time, and the second firing would be at least 1 second after the first. After which, it would be at least 3 seconds between firings. So yeah, a build with 2ERPPCs can fire indefinitely, but it would be a shot, wait a second, shot, wait 3 seconds, shot... Overall DPS is largely unchanged because the heat is being managed before the weapon's cooldown, but it is dealing no more than 10 damage per shot, and shoots no less than 3 seconds apart.
And that's actually a light interpretation of the idea. Even better would be a fixed heat capacity (about 20; 24 after the pilot skills), and heat sinks only affect dissipation (at approximately double their current values). This means that it is impossible to alpha 2 ERPPCs (2 PPCs are just barely okay, on certain maps, if standing still), but chainfiring them is fair game almost indefinitely.
I can see how PGI came to the conclusion that it will just slow down the alphas. The problem there being that they're almost certainly only considering how to implement it in the worst way possible, rather than the ways that would make it effective. I suspect their idea is to cut heat capacity by maybe 10-15, and increase dissipation by some factor. What they need to do is cut heat capacity by no less than 60%, while increasing dissipation by roughly the same amount (maybe a little less, since time to kill is a bit short at the moment).