Colonel Pada Vinson, on 02 September 2013 - 11:00 AM, said:
Akulakhan, on 02 September 2013 - 10:58 AM, said:
You're straight up comedy gold, Pada. Keep it up. The fact that you appear to live in a completely different universe is also scientifically intriguing.
Another useless post that says nothing. At least counter my point if your going to quote it, instead of posting drivel that means nothing and basically says "he's right, i can't think of what to say, so I'll just troll and hope that works"
I did get half way through typing up my reply with (at this stage half editied screen shots). And I came back to get the wording to paraphrase your quote, saw Akulakhan's post, then your reply and said..."Y'know what. Nothing we say will make any difference to this troll. I'll spend 15 minutes arranging these screens, and for what? For you to go 'N'ya, n'ya! I can't hear you!'".
I'll close with this:
As was said above and you ignored.
Search for "mechwarrior". More that 50% of the results for page after page are nothing to do with MWO (Though "A Cautionary Tale: The Rage of the Mechwarrior Online Community..." made a nice early appearance). Search for "world of tanks" (Without quotes even!) and it is ALL World of Tanks! Funnily enough, search for "Mechwarrior online" and it's ALL Mechwarrior online. And yes, I do have an understanding of SEO having been in IT for 25 years with two close friends who work in the business (And go on about it a lot). I've just figured it out though...Actually, it's you that don't know how to use Google. That answers a lot. My seven year old daughter even knows if you want to find something specific in Google, it helps if you get specific with your search. 20+ years of related content on the web and almost 30 years of interest generating ongoing/recent searches outside of MWO ≠ "Wow. People are searching for MWO more than these other games".
Edited by repete, 02 September 2013 - 12:57 PM.