September Creative Developer Update
Posted 28 August 2013 - 03:31 AM
Posted 28 August 2013 - 03:41 AM
- Success u mean to lie the community? So its a a success for you?
"After releasing 3PV we saw an immediate improvement in our target demographic, with a good bump in new player retention!"
- Really? can u tell us the numbers? or the numbers how many phoenix was cancelled or how less MC you sold after that patch?
-immediate improvment lol, how u can lie like this?
-u write this for ppl who are actually reading forums and who knows there is a s.h.i.t.storm around cos u broke promisses.
Your ignorance is really irritating.
U guys faild to uderstand what ballance is, you add bitter ghost heat and stuff and ruin most of the things more than u belive.
Amazing really.
"Creative update"...
- Why anyone should belive you and yopur new promisess? About ui2.0 CW, clans... tell us why? You lied to us from this things allready. Point is we know u lied about release date of features and stuff.Why should we belive you anything?
There are fact only on our side, you havent shown any from yours.
This was one oft the most pointless post i read from your company in the summer, and one of the most ignorant.
But i guess there are a lot of ppl who got no clue what is happening, and i hope somehow thay will understand thin on day.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 03:44 AM
SAYF, on 27 August 2013 - 02:18 PM, said:
Ha that's just nonsense. I still have my Discs for MW 2 through 4 lying around here, the Mektek Stuff on my HD and I can get Living Legends out of the internet whenever I want. Even with no MWO I can play as much Mechwarrior as I desire. Might not look as shiny and polished but still is a lot of fun destroying them bases and convoys and ruling the competition in Solaris.
Edited by Jason Parker, 28 August 2013 - 03:49 AM.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 03:47 AM
Posted 28 August 2013 - 03:53 AM
Posted 28 August 2013 - 03:55 AM
Posted 28 August 2013 - 03:58 AM
So here is what I have to say about this, "_ _ _ _-_ _ _!".
Good Day.
Edited by Dozier, 28 August 2013 - 05:14 AM.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 03:58 AM
0okami, on 28 August 2013 - 03:22 AM, said:
How does that make my argument invalid? THAT WAS MY POINT! Everyone can do it. So why does it matter if a kill guarantees you will?
0okami, on 28 August 2013 - 03:22 AM, said:
You can not get the killingblow (which is a component destruction) if you get an assist.
Due to that an assist and a kill yields the exact same amount of money.
The amount of money you get for disecting a mech has nothing to do with this.
The buttom line is that a kill and an assist gives the same amount of money.
A: If we're counting component destruction and kill/assist as a single pool, the fact that you can theoretically get more money destroying one component in an assist than destroying one component in a kill makes them inherently unequal.
B: What your saying is that they are asymmetrically equal which is only true if they can't be symmetrical. But since a symmetrical situation is possible we measure equality by whether they are equal in a symmetrical situation... Where they aren't. Ergo, bottom line if you will, they are not the same. They are different. We are told they are different, and they act as different things creating different results under the same circumstances.
And all of that isn't nearly as important as the second part of what I was saying. Because the bottom line means less than nothing. It is a BAD measure. Humans are not computers, we feel and emote and don't always see all the connections and additions and subtractions. If you mean something to be equal then it better darn well look equal. If it's not meant to be equal, whether the bottom line makes it so is irrelevant. They sat down and made the monetary reward for kill, prior to all other assertions, less than assist. So long as that is true it is perfectly valid to treat the situation as such because it IS, because THEY say it is.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 04:04 AM
SFoster, on 28 August 2013 - 03:58 AM, said:
A: If we're counting component destruction and kill/assist as a single pool, the fact that you can theoretically get more money destroying one component in an assist than destroying one component in a kill makes them inherently unequal.
B: What your saying is that they are asymmetrically equal which is only true if they can't be symmetrical. But since a symmetrical situation is possible we measure equality by whether they are equal in a symmetrical situation... Where they aren't. Ergo, bottom line if you will, they are not the same. They are different. We are told they are different, and they act as different things creating different results under the same circumstances.
And all of that isn't nearly as important as the second part of what I was saying. Because the bottom line means less than nothing. It is a BAD measure. Humans are not computers, we feel and emote and don't always see all the connections and additions and subtractions. If you mean something to be equal then it better darn well look equal. If it's not meant to be equal, whether the bottom line makes it so is irrelevant. They sat down and made the monetary reward for kill, prior to all other assertions, less than assist. So long as that is true it is perfectly valid to treat the situation as such because it IS, because THEY say it is.
You are obviously unable to grasp something on paper so I will not waste further time trying to explain this to you.
I was trying to be nice, I was trying to prove to you why you were wrong, but you are headstrong and refuse to listen to reason.
I have (unfortunately) now run out of cares to give.
If you refuse to read and try to understand my previous posts, then that is something you have decided for yourself and not something I can influence anyway.
Buttom line and the fact of the matter is that an assist and a kill gives the same amount of money since with a kill you destroy one key component which you can not destroy without getting the kill.
Now excuse me, I really cant be bothered wasting more of my time on you.
Have a nice day.
Edited by 0okami, 28 August 2013 - 04:06 AM.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 04:10 AM
InnerSphereNews, on 27 August 2013 - 01:17 PM, said:
I don't really even play this game anymore but I cannot stop reading news about it because they are the funniest thing ever. What I just don't get is what exactly is the motivation behind posting hilarious garbage like this? Are they seriously so delusional they actually believe what they write? Do they actually think people who read it believe it? Do they know people see it as the nonsense it is and are just wagging a middle finger in their faces? Who knows, but I cannot stop laughing.

Edited by SmallandBlue, 28 August 2013 - 04:11 AM.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 04:15 AM
Posted 28 August 2013 - 04:24 AM
I see no one who uses 3PV.
I use it only to see how cool are my 'Mechs.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 04:29 AM
SFoster, on 28 August 2013 - 03:06 AM, said:
A game is a form of communication. If you TELL ME kills earn me less in black and white, why should I care if some invisible maths in the background evens that out... in theory... under a truckload of assumptions. That's part of why ghost heat is an insanely bad idea. If your players can't know about it inside the game, your DESIGN HAS FAILED. It is a failure deeper and more wrong than any math can ever explain. Balance and game design ARE NOT MATH. They USE math. They INVOLVE math. Math is helpful to it. That does not make it fundamentally a function of math. In math 1 = .99 repeating. In game balance it doesn't because .99 repeating does not EXPRESS 1 to the players.
This whole post is very well put, but this excerpt is the stand-out for me. Lots of games have opaque mechanics while still being good, accessible games because the opaque parts can be safely ignored by anyone not interested in min/maxing. Think EVs and natures in Pokemon or even poise in Dark Souls. Being opaque is a huge problem when the system that's opaque is central to gameplay. Ghost heat can quite easily make the difference between a viable build and a complete joke. By the same token, the whole point of score bonuses for certain actions is to provide an incentive for players to perform that action. If the calculations behind rewards are unintuitive that utterly defeats the purpose. It's like punishing a child for breaking a rule he was never told about: you're just being an ***.
Edited by Blue Footed Booby, 28 August 2013 - 04:36 AM.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 04:29 AM

How the heck... I don't even... whatever. Obviously there's not much point complaining at this stage. Good luck Mechwarriors, it's been fun.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 04:36 AM
how pay to win is that?
Posted 28 August 2013 - 04:37 AM
And not a single dev has responded to the landslide of negative comments on here.
I know sometimes people aren't nice to you PGI, but its like my old platoon Sarge told me once....
"If you want me to stop yelling at you because you're doing dumb s**t, then stop doing dumb s**t!!!!!"
Whatever, I guess since you have "communicated" with us for the month of September we won't hear anything from you again until October. And even then it will probably just be another recap of bad design decisions with you delusionally calling it successful.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 04:39 AM
Now, some of us paid for the Founders package (I did) and I think this is a great game which I continue to play. I realize that not everything is going to be perfect (after all it was made my humans and we most definitely are not perfect) but we strive to do better.
My pet peeve is the the 'veterans' picking on the noobs. (just I do it also) remember people that the 'noobs' are learning how to control a mech, which keys to what and the handling of each mech. I even forget how to do various things & have to ask. Now, do I get bummed when a spectate a player doing 'weird stuff'? You bet I do, but I have to remember that player's thought processes are different from mine. where I may see an opportunity to kill a mech w/a weakened CT another player might be hearing a friend call for help on Team Speak.
My biggest regret on this game is the big talk on the C3 teamspeak in game system that was supposed to allow members on the same team to talk & coordinate. Well, that didn't happen. I found that system to be glitched & way more complicated that Team Speak.
anyway, enough ranting as I have to get to work to pay bills.
Good day, people.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 04:50 AM
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