We all know about all the er-PPCs builds sniping our heads. And its a fact that compared to other long range weapons, they are much better. And people complain a lot, its normal, there is no counter.
So i was thinking about, the PPC is like an energy wave, at least it was in the first mechwarrior games, and if i can remember, its damage was huge but not concentrated (im not a mechwarrior super freak and i dont care about the PPCs literature).
So my proposition is: why not making the er-PPCs like bigger? like a splash wave? Same range but no concentrated damage. For example, i fire an er-PPC from 900 meters, and its supposed to do 10 damage. It hits center torso, then center torso receives 6 damage and both side torsos receive 2 damage.
It would erase those sniper overpowered builds and give more oportunities to balanced weapons like autocannons, gauss, lrms, and lasers.
That or reduce the range man, not a big deal!! going bed, good night.