Mutaroc, on 30 August 2013 - 08:31 AM, said:
I understand that he has spent a lot of real money on this game by buying Mech Bays, Unlocking all heros, converting XP to master other mechs... I understand all that.
But I would love to also get a different member title. How do I get it?
I found it unfair to the rest of us that really put a lot of time playing or saving some money here and there to at least buy a hero mech and a mech bay that we can't have a nice/fun looking title just because we are not rich like some other players.
I work and I can't afford to put as much money on the game as he has put already. Does that make me an inferior player?
Is this some sort of "PAY-TO-WIN"?
At least tell me how much RL money($) is necessary to get a different title like he has?
Don't get me wrong, I know you really appreciate doing business with players that put a lot of real money in the game, because at the end of the day that is what keeps the game going.
Please take in consideration that I have and most players have as well put at least a few $'s into this.
We are all important and deserve the same treatment, don't we?

I will be happy to tell you how I got it...
First, I played a lot of games where I melted a TON of metal (8,835 matches played since PGI started tracking).
During that time I used the 1,167,523,339 C-Bills / 6,424,281 Experience I earned, along with a considerable amount of cold hard cash to purchase, and master every mech in the game, in addition to unlocking (and owning at least 6 of) every module in the pilot tree.
Next, I made I post entitled "I WOULD LIKE A COOKIE FROM PGI.", not thinking that anything but a lot of great laughs would come of it, but wishing that one day PGI will develop "achievements", and that they would think about naming the achievement for grinding enough experience to master every mech in the game "Have a Cookie" or "The Cookie", or some such non-sense.
Finally, after many well received posts from members in the MWO community I logged in, and while PGI has not released achievements yet, they were kind enough to 'give me a cookie'....I found that PGI had updated my "member title" to Cookie Warrior.
In short, it wasn't so much about the money I spent, but more about how many Games-Experience-C-Bills I played-earned, and if you do the same...then ask nicely (feel free to post in the "I WOULD LIKE A COOKIE FROM PGI." thread to let PGI know that you have earned "The Cookie")....who knows what might happen.
If the title Cookie Warrior proves nothing is that PGI has a sense of humor, at least on occasion, and that they do in fact read the forums (even silly little posts about some guy asking for a cookie).
Edited by Armando, 03 September 2013 - 08:32 AM.