Mehlan, on 14 October 2013 - 02:03 PM, said:
...and you ever notice during load that peoples 'ping' or what you want to refer to as 'latency' CHANGES? That is not a static number, it's dynamic, which short you don't know squat about his connection.
as for exploit....I swear the more crud I see come out of the mouth of some of these 'founders'. <smh>
Unfortunately you can't fix stupid which you clearly are.
Yes latency aka ping fluctuates and if it was fluctuating I would have mentioned that but it didn't. So you've simply decided to make up some imaginary excuse because you simply don't like a factual observation that goes against your preferences.
Why do you think I knew he had two PPCs and an ECM? Because I was spectating him for over three minutes admiring his efforts and observing his complete lack of armor as he took down 2 lightly damaged heavy mechs and one heavily damaged one as the very last member of our team.
During that three minutes I hit TAB every 10 seconds or so to see if his ping was spiking and it never did. And yes he was exploiting the difficulty of hitting which is both actually targeting and hits being detected to his advantage to carry weaponry he should not normally be able to carry and survive. Maybe you should pick up a dictionary and within such a foreign thing of knowledge you will discover to 'exploit 'something does not automatically mean it is 'cheating' or 'immoral' or against the rules.
Exploit: to make productive use of.<exploiting your talents> <exploit your opponent's weakness>
So instead of being an ignorant *** blathering something about a stupid founder tag invalidating an observation maybe you should instead focus on not being an ignorant obtuse poster.
Edited by Cragger, 14 October 2013 - 02:19 PM.