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1St Rasalhague Dragonregimente

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#41 -Vompo-


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Posted 14 June 2015 - 10:52 PM

1st RDR is still here and looking for new members. Visit our website or join the FRR Hub teamspeak server (frrhub.tk:9725) (Password: Dragon).

#42 -Vompo-


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 03:56 PM

1st post is up to date again.

1st Rasalhague Dragonregimente is looking to add new pilots into its ranks. Visit us at www.1strdr.enjin.com where you can apply and if you have anything to ask contact me or one of our other officers on our website, this forum or in game.

#43 -Vompo-


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Posted 29 July 2015 - 12:16 AM

1st Rasalhague Dragonregimentë is looking to add active players to it's ranks. Wheter you prefer fighting for FRR in CW or playing group drops you are most welcome to join us. You can be experienced or still learning the game we play with you just the same.
You can apply to become a member on our website. The regiment can be found on FRR hub teamspeak server.
TS3 server address:
Password: Dragon

You can contact me with your questions.

#44 -Vompo-


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Posted 17 August 2015 - 01:38 AM

1st RDR is not accepting any new applications at this time. We are making decisions about the future of the regiment. More news when there is something more to tell.

#45 Malzel


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Posted 04 September 2015 - 05:12 PM

Tragically, heavy casualties sustained through the Clan invasions among both officers and enlisted personnel has proven too costly for the glorious 1st Rasalhague Dragonregimente to sustain, and Kungsarmè command has been forced to disband the outfit. Surviving veterans have been spotted taking up arms with sister FRR units such as the Isengrim, the Sons of Odin, or have been folded back into regular FRR ranks.

The 1RDR thanks the FRR for its support and hospitality, and hopes that in our time fighting among you, we earned your respect on and off the battlefield.

Hold firm upon the field. Hold high the Republic. Honor the Æsir and the Vanir.

Malzel out.

#46 Ragnar Bashmek


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Posted 05 September 2015 - 11:36 AM

The glorious 1stRDR of which I am a former XO has passed into history. This once prestigious unit has been in decline ever since it's founder, Surtr, left the group in the hands of Malzel. There are some object lessons here for other groups.

You can not successfully recruit based on false claims of unit strength and activity levels. You will get some takers but most players will quickly go somewhere else when they find out they have been BS'ed.

You can not maintain a group without having aspects that appeal to a wide range of players. Your group needs to have elements that satisfy new players, experienced casual players , and try-hards. These groups depend on each other in various ways and all are necessary. New players will aspire to learn their craft and join in with the more experienced casual players or the competition/try-hard group. The casual players want to have a regular opportunity to play with a reasonable sized group of like minded Mech Warriors and so need a steady influx of new blood to replace turn over. The try-hards also need new blood and the best place to get them is from within the group. Competition units need to be properly glorified and recognized for their accomplishments.

Leaders need to lead or get the hell out of the way, following is not an option. Mech Warriors, and especially Viking Mech Warriors, can not be lead by a non-player. If unfortunate IRL circumstances prevent a leader from doing his job, it is time to pass the torch. And when the torch is passed, it has to be done wholeheartedly. If you have an ex-leader trying to hold on to power the new leader will not be able to properly do his job.

For my part, I pushed these concepts as XO but had no success at convincing the existing leadership and ex-leadership of their wisdom. They insisted on continuing to do what they had always done, and got what they had always got, leading to the groups total demise. And unfortunately, having come to the conclusion the "the group is unsustainable", refused to turn it over to remaining members that wanted to keep it going.

I expect some sort of self righteous, poor me response, but this is the bottom line on how a great group dies, don't let it happen to yours.

As way of a disclaimer, these opinions are strictly mine based on my experience as 1stRDR XO and in no way reflect on my current unit the ass kicking 228th IBR.

Ragnar Bashmek

Pvt - 228th Expeditionary Group

228th Independent Battlemech Regiment

#47 Jarl Dane


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Posted 05 September 2015 - 02:50 PM

Ragnar puts the BASH in Bashmek.

#48 Malzel


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Posted 05 September 2015 - 05:40 PM

Stay classy, Ragnar.

#49 SuperAtomicAirplane


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Posted 06 September 2015 - 02:53 AM

See you in NBT, Ragnar.

#50 Ragnar Bashmek


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Posted 06 September 2015 - 03:39 AM


I'm looking forward to NBT. I've never been involved with the RP aspects of MWO so it will be an enjoyable learning experience. We (the 228th) are doing CGB, not my personal 1st choice but I guess CGB isn't a bad compromise if we can't be FRR.


#51 Bandaron


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Posted 06 September 2015 - 10:35 AM

View PostRagnar Bashmek, on 05 September 2015 - 11:36 AM, said:

For my part, I pushed these concepts as XO but had no success at convincing the existing leadership and ex-leadership of their wisdom. They insisted on continuing to do what they had always done, and got what they had always got, leading to the groups total demise. And unfortunately, having come to the conclusion the "the group is unsustainable", refused to turn it over to remaining members that wanted to keep it going.

That's a very interesting interpretation of your tenure as XO. Thank you for sharing it with us, and for taking the opportunity of the end of our regiment to jump in and remind us all that you told us so.

#52 Skoll


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Posted 05 December 2015 - 01:25 PM

Thanks for all the fish.



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Posted 13 May 2019 - 08:58 AM


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