Trying To Find Mwo Dictionary
Posted 06 September 2013 - 10:42 AM
So is there such a dictionary? Now with the release of the game close I think new players would benefit from one.
Posted 06 September 2013 - 11:00 AM
it isn't MWO jargon
It is internet slang
Posted 06 September 2013 - 11:10 AM
If you have other questions about terms we use this is the place to ask, man.
Posted 06 September 2013 - 11:50 AM
Posted 06 September 2013 - 09:54 PM
Posted 07 September 2013 - 04:18 AM
Guizan Dixie, on 06 September 2013 - 09:54 PM, said:
Internet Slang Dictionary
Found by typing "internet slang dictionary" in Google
Posted 07 September 2013 - 07:18 AM
Posted 05 December 2013 - 04:35 PM
spamapults = ???
LB10X = ???
LRM5 Suppressopults = ???
pugging = ???
TAG/narc = ??? (targets that are lit up by TAG and/or narc)
vision module = ???
D-DC = ??? (I only run a D-DC just for that very reason. It's really comical to watch golden blobs of flame streaking in the other direction away from me. Some will take advantage of the protection ecm offers against LRMs but most don't.)
Posted 05 December 2013 - 04:49 PM
BeardedMallard, on 05 December 2013 - 04:35 PM, said:
spamapults/LRM5 Suppressopults=both are the same. A catapult A1 chasis equiped with 6 LRM (long range missiles)5s that fire a steady stream of missiles for the soul purpose of trolling via cockpit shake.
LB10X =A balistic weapon system that fires 10 slugs at once like a shotgun
pugging = The act of playing in a solo drop (you and 12 other people you don't know) (PUG=Pick Up Group) The oposite is playing in a premade (you and up to 3 others you know) then everyone else is a PUG
TAG/narc = TAG-Target Acquisition Gear/ Narc=Narc Missile Beacon TAG is denoted by a crosshair symbol above the target and Narc by a "wifi" symbol above the target. Both aid in missile lock acquistion
vision module = Zoom module which lets you zoom in to 4x zoom
D-DC = A specific variant of Atlas that carries ECM (the only variant that can) ECM=Electronic CounterMeasures and prevents target acquisition outside of 180m as well as target lock.
Posted 05 December 2013 - 05:10 PM
MnDragon, on 05 December 2013 - 04:49 PM, said:
Not just for trolling, as, if they have no AMS, the stream of LRM5 will almost purely hit the CT, meaning that it is also one of the fastest ways to core ANY mech you can hit with it.
(esp those that move under 130kph)
Posted 05 December 2013 - 05:10 PM
What is actual pop tarting: Jumping and sniping from the same spot behind cover.
i.e. you just have to watch the rig and eventually they'll pop up in the same exact spot you have your guns, reliably ... like a literal poptart.
The terminology got very blurred over time so now they're generally interchangeable, but poptart was originally a snide way to of addressing someone doing it poorly.
Edited by Victor Morson, 05 December 2013 - 05:11 PM.
Posted 05 December 2013 - 05:14 PM
BeardedMallard, on 05 December 2013 - 04:35 PM, said:
A name given by poor players to missile-spamming Catapults, which aren't very good anyway.
LB10X = ???
A weapon, the LBX/10, that scattershots like a shotgun. Currently underpowered.
LRM5 Suppressopults = ???
A Catapult A1 spamming 6 LRM5s. Terrible 'mech and a poor LRM choice, but scares newbies through lots of shake/missiles.
pugging = ???
Playing against random groups by yourself or with up to 4 allies; not having organized limits ahead of time and a set opponent.
TAG/narc = ??? (targets that are lit up by TAG and/or narc)
Two equipment pieces that help LRMs. NARC is God Awful, avoid at all costs. TAG Is incredibly useful and should always be on LRM mechs.
vision module = ???
Check the Modules and Piloting Tree sections; it's a category of upgrades you can equip.
D-DC = ??? (I only run a D-DC just for that very reason. It's really comical to watch golden blobs of flame streaking in the other direction away from me. Some will take advantage of the protection ecm offers against LRMs but most don't.)
The ECM carrying model of the Atlas; often just called the DDC because the other Atlas are kind of bad.
Hope that helps!
Edited by Victor Morson, 05 December 2013 - 05:15 PM.
Posted 05 December 2013 - 05:30 PM
Victor Morson, on 05 December 2013 - 05:14 PM, said:
Hope that helps!
I really think, right now, the biggest thing that makes me want to correct your posts, is the "THIS WAY OR THE HIGHWAY!" way you phrase everything.....
Especially when you have been repeatedly shown that, that is not so.
Posted 06 December 2013 - 02:31 AM
Victor Morson, on 06 December 2013 - 12:27 AM, said:
Nice, succinct way to both prove his point and provide a demonstration!
Note to OP: While I generally disagree with Mr Morson on most points, he has still been around long enough that you should pay attention to what he says.
Just make sure you find your own playstyle, not his.
Posted 06 December 2013 - 03:54 AM
0-7 ..This apparently is an honourable salute, and not as I thought for a long time an arrogant way to predict the scoreline!
Posted 06 December 2013 - 04:24 AM
This won't tell you what a boomjager or a boomcat is, or how to be a good poptart (or a poptart), etc but it will fill in some MWO technical terms
Posted 06 December 2013 - 05:13 AM
--LRM = Long Range Missle ( Missles with soft lock on target )
--SRM = Short Range Missle ( fires rockets )
--SSRM = Streak short range missle ( Fires Missles with hard lock on target )
--AC = Autocannon that shoots high explosive armor destroying charges
--Ultra AC = Autocannon with doubbled firing rate but prone to ammo jams
--LB-X AC = Large Bore eXtended Auto Cannon ( A Cannon that shoots a single granade that will fracture upon leaving the barrel creating a cloud of explosive submunitions)
--Laser = continous dmg over time beam weapon
--Pulse laser = much like above but heavier, shorter burn duration and range but more dmg and weight
--MG = classic slug weapon with high refire rate but low single dmg to armor
--Flamer = A fusion driven plasma thrower that can heat up the air around a mech, reducing its heat dissipation and roasting the pilot alive
--ECM = Electronic counter meassure
--BAP = Beagel Active Probe that increases own sensor range, decreases enemys ECM range
( for the BAP user), lowers the users time to get target data, lowers lock on time for missles
--Command Console = This device does not function at the moment but should be something like a second cockpit position if regarded canon wise
-- A4, FCS, Art4 and other = Artemis IV Fire control system for better LRM grouping and lower lock on time
--Cat = a Catapult; there are a lot of curse words or shortwords to describe different Cat configs
- splatterpult, splattcat: Catapult A1 with SRMS
- GaussCat, snipercat = A Catapult K2 with 2 Gauss or sometimes with 2 ER PPC and one Gauss
- KillerCat, trollCat, lolCat, boomCat and so on = A Cat K2 with 2 AC20
- spamcat, L5Cat, (sometimes also described as troll or lol Cat) = A Cat A1 with 6 LRM5 in chainfire
--Phract = short for Cataphract
--Dakkaphract = mostly the Ilya Muromets Cataphract with 3 Ultra AC 5, but I've seen people use it also for other phracts with multi ACs
--D-DC = short for Atlas D - DC, an ECM carrying Atlas variant
-- TT = Tabletop, belive it or not MWO comes from a SF-Universe that developed itself based on a Tabletop game with large robots
-- Cravens = a Raven with ECM
-- poptarts = vertical coverjumping powered by jumpjets, sometimes wrongfully also used for horizontal cover runners in citys or similar situations
-- Hunch = Hunchabacks; a medium mech type
-- Cents, Yens, Lo's ... = The medium Centurion Battlemech
--Flyswatter = A mech with a loadout designed to take down scouts rather than larger mechs
.... and so on
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