We all said if the PPCs were fixed, the whole system wouldn't be necessary.
... we are here today, now. PPCs are fixed. Whatever phobia of editing the XML files seems to have gone away, and we're finally getting a really fun meta game. However, the elephant in the room is how much Ghost Heat is actually damaging that meta game right now, with little to no benefit: Blocking groups of inferior light ACs, large lasers, and even medium laser arrays; all builds that would be a both viable and fun if they weren't gimped.
If another pinpoint alpha issue comes up, we can always have that weapon addressed, as PPCs were. If a 6 PPC were made today, it would likely explode without Ghost Heat, and would positively be a terrible setup even for new players.
Speaking of which, that is also why I am saying this. Not only is math behind Ghost Heat completely non-nonsensical with it's pairings and limitations (resulting in perfectly fine massive alpha builds even now; while blocking far less damaging ones - i.e. 2x LRM10 1x LRM20 = 3x LRM20 Ghost Heat for the same number of missiles as 2x LRM20 with 0 heat), it's incredibly confusing - in particular since it is currently a hidden stat without checking external wikis - and something that will only massively damage the game for new players.
The very new players that everything else is trying to accommodate. I see them all the time, overheating steadily because nothing at all indicates to them Ghost Heat is wrecking their 'mech. When I let them know they always are puzzled and say heat efficiency showed fine.
TL/DR: Ghost Heat wouldn't be needed if the guns were being fixed. And the guns are now being fixed! Thus, the system can no longer be justified at all. It needs to go. Let's see some Large Laser builds again, guys!
Edited by Victor Morson, 10 September 2013 - 02:22 PM.