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Uac5 Overpowered? Are You Kidding Me

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#21 Lord de Seis


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 06:25 PM

UAC's are fine, the sheer amount of ammo you need to carry for them means they are sacrificing tonnage that could be used for other things.

#22 GRiPSViGiL


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 06:41 PM

UAC5 is pretty easy mode...I am running a Cataphract 3D with 2 and a PPC. It really is easy mode for a skilled pilot but I know my STs are vulnerable and anyone else running multiple UAC5s. So taking the ST is the equalizer. It does need some type of tweak...anytime one weapon set dominates the battlefield something is wrong. First time I ran a FOTM easymode set up and man I can see why people think they are better than they really are using UAC5s.

#23 Sam Slade


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 07:13 PM

yep, tried swaping out my AC20 for dual UAC5s on my Victor... way to easy; and that's brawl easy not ranged DPS support easy. I had plenty of ammo for the battle as well as three streaks and 2 MLas... and uber-speed with jump jets. When you add Adv. Wall Hack sensors it's just dumb. Went back to my Ac20... I may get chewed in a stand up fight with Ultra FOTM builds but it just feels more fun.

FIX: give double shot a nasty heat penalty like apply Ghost Heat to the double shot mode of the UAC5 as soon as you have more then one of them doing it. That way a single UAC5 gets the benifit of being an Ultra AC but runs a litle hot if you push it... having three of them doubleshoting gives you a triple Ghost Heat penalty. Also reduce the RoF to that of an ordinary AC5 but keep the increased range. Seems balanced?

Edited by Sam Slade, 11 September 2013 - 07:16 PM.

#24 Lorcan Lladd


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 07:43 PM

Truthfully, the single-shot RoF of UAC/5s should have been reduced to the standard AC/5 levels at 1.5 seconds several months ago - then again, given how long and hard the forums had to rage over Pepsi Gauss until aggressive balance changes were finally made by PGI, I suppose it's not surprising that the UAC/5 would remain unchanged for so long, to say nothing of the recent buff.

Edited by Lorcan Lladd, 11 September 2013 - 07:43 PM.

#25 Angel of Annihilation


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 07:49 PM

View PostTOGSolid, on 11 September 2013 - 03:54 PM, said:

There is no risk at all with the UAC right now and you are deluding yourself if you think so. There is no reason not to lean on the trigger with them because you still have much higher DPS with jams taken into account.

There is still plenty of risk because a UAC/5 still jams and jams often alot of time only after a shot or two. If you are now using a single UAC/5 in place of a Gauss for example, you still find yourself S.O.L. alot when you absolutely need maximum firepower.

Honestly it is only the mutilple UAC/5 builds that can be devestaing but that could be fixed by simple ghost heat to make it impossible to sustain firing two at once.

#26 ShortBusBully


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 07:55 PM

NOOOO stop nerfing {Scrap} in this game. I did not like the heat patch but I understand it and never complained about it. I never complained when hit with 4 or 5 ppcs at once and died. If I wanted to do it someone else, I could build it. Its an easy build so I didn't do it. I do not understand the guass nerf at all but I admit I have not read much on the subject so I don't complain much. It is a PIA to use now but I am learning. I have been playing this game since it went open and I have used UAC since you were able to load them on a mech. No one has ever complained about it until now. I mean damn everytime a bunch of people start using a weapon or it gets popular the guys with no skill start bitching its OP. Yes you can put three on a Jaeger but whats the trade off. You need an XL engine and lots and lots ammo. Therefore you not OP but weak. I ran that set up for awhile and would melt when the lights got close. Risk vs reward. Yes you can run three on a Muromets, so what? What about the dual AC/20 jaegers? What about the dual guass Jaegers? What about the AC/20 raven? My point is shut up and play the game jeez. Leave stuff alone and learn to work around it or get one yourself. There is a counter for everything in this game. It takes practice and skill to learn what the counter is. You think I learned it in a day or two? Hell I am still learning and adapting to this game, that's what makes it fun. But if PGI keeps nerfing {Scrap} because a few keep whining, I will simply move on to something else. Stop breaking the game.

#27 Renthrak


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 07:58 PM

I predict that this thread will accomplish nothing useful and clog the forums with more idiotic back-and-forth head butting until it gets locked.

Here's the deal with UAC/5. You can put 3 of them on a 'Mech, which means each trigger pull hits like a Gauss Rifle, and you can fire off half a dozen bursts before one Gauss Rifle would have recharged and fired again. People who don't know how to use the UAC will still get their ***** kicked, but the skilled will shred everything in their path until the nerf hammer smashes yet another FOTM problem that should have been solved by a decent heat system instead of random Ghost Heat and bizarre firing rates. The end.

#28 akpavker


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:14 PM

View PostViktor Drake, on 11 September 2013 - 07:49 PM, said:

There is still plenty of risk because a UAC/5 still jams and jams often alot of time only after a shot or two. If you are now using a single UAC/5 in place of a Gauss for example, you still find yourself S.O.L. alot when you absolutely need maximum firepower.

Honestly it is only the mutilple UAC/5 builds that can be devestaing but that could be fixed by simple ghost heat to make it impossible to sustain firing two at once.

stop it before i am forced to b!tch slap you.....

people don't like the ghost heat system!! haven't you read any of the other posts in the gameplay balance today???...


and did you even read any of the other posts in this thread before commenting???

#29 slayerkdm


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:31 PM

Its really too good now, you can gripe all you want, but the mechanic is no good and it needs toned down. Everything is in a pretty good place right now, but the Ultra is out of wack. I have an Ilya that runs them, but really, I know it should be changed and I don't run it very often. Trouble with the Ilya, that's its best load out. The Jags have other options.

#30 Kahoumono


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:42 PM

Like anything else in this game if its not stacked its not OP. UACs are maybe very marginally too powerful when doubled or tripled. Simple tweak of either the reload rate or jam probability should be enough on a stand alone. Or leave the single UAC as is and apply "ghost jam" to increase the jamming probability when multiple UACs are fired together.

#31 Victor Morson


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:47 PM

View PostGeneral Taskeen, on 11 September 2013 - 03:53 PM, said:

Current programming and featuring of UAC has to go, unless people would like to experience the insanity of double-shot, 2x20 damage UAC/20, if current UAC/5 programming stays.

I wish the Ultras operated like they do in Living Legends, where they simply have their own internal "heat" bar, that heats up faster than regular ACs. Seems like a win-win; better burst fire, no pot luck and a drawback of sustained fire.

#32 Corvus Antaka


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:50 PM

this reminds me of the "2 AC/20" isnt OP threads a few months back.

#33 TOGSolid


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:55 PM

View PostViktor Drake, on 11 September 2013 - 07:49 PM, said:

There is still plenty of risk because a UAC/5 still jams and jams often alot of time only after a shot or two. If you are now using a single UAC/5 in place of a Gauss for example, you still find yourself S.O.L. alot when you absolutely need maximum firepower.


Oh look, a thread that shows how you're wrong complete with a 10000 shot simulation.

Edited by TOGSolid, 11 September 2013 - 08:56 PM.

#34 Primetimex


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:59 PM

A triple UAC5 mech IS the natural counter to long range boaters who like to sit on the rear-lines and fire away thinking they are invincible and that brawlers will never get to them.

So even BEFORE the jam rate was reduced, I was doing all sorts of pwnage averaging 500-600dmg in many games with around 3-4 kills at least - and no-one complained. Of course, I died a hell of a lot as well through not being situationally aware and you do need a good team around you to ensure that you can flank and pick off lone mech boaters / the damaged ones.

Those people calling for UAC's to be nerfed to AC levels: might as well scrap the "Ultra" and let's all just fight with machine guns only and small pulse lasers - how about it - sounds like fair right?

#35 akpavker


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 09:05 PM

View PostDirtyC, on 11 September 2013 - 07:55 PM, said:

NOOOO stop nerfing {Scrap} in this game. I did not like the heat patch but I understand it and never complained about it. I never complained when hit with 4 or 5 ppcs at once and died. If I wanted to do it someone else, I could build it. Its an easy build so I didn't do it. I do not understand the guass nerf at all but I admit I have not read much on the subject so I don't complain much. It is a PIA to use now but I am learning. I have been playing this game since it went open and I have used UAC since you were able to load them on a mech. No one has ever complained about it until now. I mean damn everytime a bunch of people start using a weapon or it gets popular the guys with no skill start bitching its OP. Yes you can put three on a Jaeger but whats the trade off. You need an XL engine and lots and lots ammo. Therefore you not OP but weak. I ran that set up for awhile and would melt when the lights got close. Risk vs reward. Yes you can run three on a Muromets, so what? What about the dual AC/20 jaegers? What about the dual guass Jaegers? What about the AC/20 raven? My point is shut up and play the game jeez. Leave stuff alone and learn to work around it or get one yourself. There is a counter for everything in this game. It takes practice and skill to learn what the counter is. You think I learned it in a day or two? Hell I am still learning and adapting to this game, that's what makes it fun. But if PGI keeps nerfing {Scrap} because a few keep whining, I will simply move on to something else. Stop breaking the game.

dude you are spot on....

i just wish the dev's from PGI would listen to people like your self instead of every brain dead noob in the game that come here just to complain about dieing because they are to dumb to move out of the way or they stand in 1 spot with no cover for to long!!!

#36 TOGSolid


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 09:15 PM

View PostPrimetimex, on 11 September 2013 - 08:59 PM, said:

A triple UAC5 mech IS the natural counter to long range boaters who like to sit on the rear-lines and fire away thinking they are invincible and that brawlers will never get to them.

So even BEFORE the jam rate was reduced, I was doing all sorts of pwnage averaging 500-600dmg in many games with around 3-4 kills at least - and no-one complained. Of course, I died a hell of a lot as well through not being situationally aware and you do need a good team around you to ensure that you can flank and pick off lone mech boaters / the damaged ones.

Those people calling for UAC's to be nerfed to AC levels: might as well scrap the "Ultra" and let's all just fight with machine guns only and small pulse lasers - how about it - sounds like fair right?

It's like listening to all the Splatcat lovers trying to defend their stupidity all over again.

#37 Victor Morson


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 09:48 PM

View PostTOGSolid, on 11 September 2013 - 09:15 PM, said:

It's like listening to all the Splatcat lovers trying to defend their stupidity all over again.

Tripple UACs were good before, and are arguably.. too good now. I'm not convinced they are more OP than many other weapons, though, at least not entirely. They're definitely popular, since they are far easier to use than than competing weapons, like the Gauss Rifle, which many people don't want to adapt to.

That said, I've seen some evidence that they may be severely overpowered in 12v12 environments. I think returning the jam rate would fix them, because they got "double buffed" in a way - PPCs got knocked down and they got knocked up, bringing them higher on the totem poll.

I would be all for new firing mechanics for them, though, because I am really enjoying that aspect of the Gauss. Let's see something more skill based and easier to control than dice rolling.

Edited by Victor Morson, 11 September 2013 - 09:49 PM.

#38 DeadlyNerd


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 09:51 PM

Said it once, will say it again.

UAC5 as a solo weapon is mediocre, in pairs it's formidable. Only when 3 are packed together it becomes overpowered due to the sheer amount of initial dps.

Implement a heat penalty on using more than 2 and we're done here.

#39 akpavker


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 10:07 PM

View PostColonel Pada Vinson, on 11 September 2013 - 08:50 PM, said:

this reminds me of the "2 AC/20" isnt OP threads a few months back.

and they weren't that OP considering you have to get with in 270 meters to get the full damage of the weapon and jager's are so easy to take down!!!! another classic example of noobs crying about something because thay are {Scrap} players and died!!!

View PostDeadlyNerd, on 11 September 2013 - 09:51 PM, said:

Said it once, will say it again.

UAC5 as a solo weapon is mediocre, in pairs it's formidable. Only when 3 are packed together it becomes overpowered due to the sheer amount of initial dps.

Implement a heat penalty on using more than 2 and we're done here.

this is a reply i gave the last guy with the same idea....

View Postakpavker, on 11 September 2013 - 08:14 PM, said:

stop it before i am forced to b!tch slap you.....

people don't like the ghost heat system!! haven't you read any of the other posts in the gameplay balance today???...


and did you even read any of the other posts in this thread before commenting???

Edited by akpavker, 11 September 2013 - 10:09 PM.

#40 Hythos


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Posted 11 September 2013 - 10:11 PM

UAC/5 ROF = AC/5

IF the pilot chooses to fire before the cool-down, it should 'queue' and fire once it hits the 50%-mark of cool-down through the normal rate cycle (or immediately, once it has passed 50%), only THEN it should have a chance to jam.

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