But in 12v12 it's perfect, and it's one of the most tactical maps in the game.
River City/Forest Colony = Are they going left? yes/no? Move as appropriate. Done.
Frozen City = They're behind the ridge, find a way to attack.
Terra Therma = Push up to the caldera and take ownership if possible, first one in gets the initial advantage.
Next either a fight ensues, or we find the enemy has flanked us. Usually both because of 12 mechs trying to come through a funnel.
Need to get your team out of a fix at this point? Well the routes are complicated enough to wind round and flank the enemy without being noticed.
And that's just ONE of the common situations I see with many other tactical offshoots thanks to the maps design. Imagine if you don't even push up to the caldera?!
Hypothesis = People hate Terra because you have to think about lots of things.
Am I overheating? Can we hold off the enemy here? Are they flanking us? Is there a cue of enemies behind the front 3 or are they elsewhere about to pull a big tactical manoeuvre?
You don't get any of this on the older simpler maps. And almost every game requires a different set of manoeuvres for me. However the others are all rather formulaic and repetetive.
Edited by Veranova, 19 September 2013 - 06:36 PM.