Make 3PV available only when a "Training Drone" module is equipped (excluding 12-man queues, where it is not available.) This Training Drone module comes as standard equipment on all mechs, especially trial mechs.
The mechanics of 3PV are not changed, and functions the same way. The only difference is that the Training Drone module has to be equipped in order to enter 3PV.
What this does:
Since the Training Drone module comes on all trial mechs, new players will have it available while they earn enough for their first mech. After they purchase their first mech, it will come with one equipped for them.
Once the pilot reaches the level where they have enough GXP to purchase other modules, then they have the choice of continuing to use 3PV or to replace it with another module.
In essence, this makes 3PV actual training wheels. In time, the new player will reach a point where they can decide to take the training wheels off.
Changes to new player experience:
- Initial trial mech grind: No change! Training Drone module is equipped on all trial mechs, so 3PV functions as it does now.
- Buying their first mech: No change! Training Drone comes equipped on all mechs.
- Unlocking their first module: For most mechs, unchanged. Most mechs can equip more than one module, so the Training Drone can still be equipped. For the few mechs with only one module slot, see below.
- Unlocking a module on a mech with no open modules slots: This is where the player experience changes. However, it is after the player has had plenty of time to learn how to pilot their mechs, and should be comfortable playing in just 1PV. However, if they still want 3PV, it is available at the cost of other modules.
I had original posted a suggestion about moving 3PV to a module here: That post was before the announcement of no 3PV in 12-mans, and included destructible drones. The destructible drones seemed to be the part about the suggestion that wasn't liked. However, I still believe the base idea of making the 3PV drones a module has merit. So, I decided to make this suggestion about moving 3PV to a module, but leaving its functionality the same.