The Isengrim: Competitive Free Rasalhague Republic Unit
Posted 03 July 2015 - 10:02 AM
Posted 21 July 2015 - 06:30 AM
Edited by Mech The Dane, 21 July 2015 - 06:30 AM.
Posted 28 July 2015 - 05:14 AM
Posted 29 July 2015 - 05:13 PM
Posted 18 August 2015 - 04:12 PM

Posted 18 August 2015 - 08:09 PM
Let me clarify a few things...
Who are we?: For those who don't know, the MercStar Alliance is a cabal of several different units, one of them being Isengrim. MS is considered among the best mercenary companies out there, with many active, competitive players. At time of writing we have 361 players and 81 planets.
What do we do: MS is primarily interested in CW, and we take mercenary contracts across the IS and Clans to use a variety of mechs, collect mechbays, and collect skilled pilots all over the Inner Sphere. We also train the local forces of whatever faction we're in and sometimes operate on their teamspeak - especially in the FRR. We want the community to be more organized and play better, there's a giant skill ceiling for this game and we want everyone to play better. I'm an officer in MS and an officer of Isengrim which allows me to recruit for both. I'm currently looking to expand the ISEN branch of MS into 3 companies - Hardcore NA, Hardcore EU/Oceanic, and Reserve/Casual Company. Kamikaze Viking commands the EU/Oceanic company. We have roughly 14 players currently, I'd like 36.
At some point, the rest of Isengrim may hopefully join MS, such as for a CW tournament, but there are some stingy people on the fringe about it, so at the moment, elements of Isengrim are loyalists to the FRR and elements are here in MS. At the moment, MS is for members of Isengrim who enjoy hardcore CW play and enjoy using their clan mechs. MS is a large community of players and having all of these units together in one place helps us field larger numbers of good players - we typically field multiple 12 mans every night.
But MS destroyed the FRR in season 1 and 2!: MS was paid a significant sum of money to fight for Clan Wolf and then Steiner. It's what mercenary companies do. The priority of Clan Wolf is to reach Terra, which MS helps Clan Wolf do. It is not a personal attack against the FRR and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. The FRR is many members of MS' favourite IS faction. Isengrim specifically is loyal to the FRR - If season 3 starts and Clan Wolf and the FRR cannot reach a treaty, then the ISEN branch of MS will return to the IS branch until the FRR is out of Clan Wolf's attack lane before rejoining MS. Until then, we will be taking repeated contracts within the FRR - it has a large playerbase of good players so we have lots of fun here.
What does the MS branch of Isengrim look for in recruits?: When you first join MS, you join as a reservist. MS officers will train you until you meet our requirements and are ready to join a unit. You have 1 month in MS to meet the recruiting standard before being removed, you can technically join any unit in MS once you've met the requirements, but I'm here to recruit for Isengrim.
You must do the following:
Properly set up game configurations for comp play - expanded in the MS teamspeak
Field 4 Tier 1 or Tier 2 competitive IS mechs - expanded on in the MS teamspeak
Field 4 tier 1 or tier 2 competitive Clan mechs - expanded on in the MS teamspeak
Average 1000 damage or just score 1000+ damage in 5 matches with an MS officer present
We also train players who aren't great - if you think it'll take you longer than a month to meet the above requirement, you can hop in our teamspeak and drop with us until you're ready to become a reservist.
Goes without saying, but just in case there's ambiguity we also need people to be:
Polite and respectful to others
Able to follow instructions
Willing to learn
Find us at MercStar.ts.nfoservers.com
no password.
Edited by Loganauer, 18 August 2015 - 09:33 PM.
Posted 23 August 2015 - 02:56 PM
A few of my members have already approached me about drafting a response to clarify some of Logan's statements, and Logan himself has offered to edit or remove his post. But I decided it would be best if he left it up and if I dealt with the matter directly.
I admit that Logan's post was a little confusing. It can be read in such a manner that it appears as if all of the ISENGRIM are now wearing -MS- tags and full out mercenary. However, as anyone could tell by simply looking at the faction that is displayed beneath my name on here, we are most certainly still with the FRR.
A small percent of the Isengrim are now within -MS-. It is actually mostly our Australian players because they craved a larger community to drop with during their prime time. That is, they are in -MS- as a solution to practical problem. It has nothing to do with RP, or some weird dark plot filled with treason and illicit schemes.
The majority of the ISENGRIM are still in the ISEN unit which has and continues to be an FRR loyalist faction with a permanent KungsArme contract.
This should address the concerns of the casually interested.
Unfortunately there appears to be another group of FRR members and or leaders who remain unappeased. Thankfully they are the sort of people who would keep reading a long winded post by the Mad Jarl of the Isengrim.
I weary of these folk, these members of mock-units that are constantly at odds with us for phantom reasons. The sort of people willing to ignore the long and noble list of things that the ISEN have done in support of the FRR and hold up our innocent relationship with the -MS- as a kind of betrayal.
They are always on the look out, always searching for some mistake some fault in the armor of the Isengrim to focus on and magnify and say, "SEE! SEE THIS IS WHY WE SHOULD NOT LIKE THEM!". But this is only done to hide their true reasons for their obvious disdain. Yet, before I jump into that let me first address their laundry list of ills they heap against the goodly Isengrim.
1. They claim we don't use the FRR Hub.
This is true. Only if we're in a CW group with other FRRs will we hop to the HUB and use it. We have our own TS and have enjoyment of its use. I realize my stark admission to this heinous crime is likely disturbing for some of my readers with weaker dispositions, our true treachery brought bare in the light of day. But, we have our reasons for not using the HUB.
There was a time when CW was new and the world was young and across the many sectors of FRR space did the KungsArme and Isengrim frolic as one. We used the hub almost exclusively in those heady days where drop after drop we fought alongside our FRR kinsmen. Usually against the dirty and unkempt members of Mercenary Star.
Alas, such dreamy days in the star-crossed past not could last. For you see a few of our members were banned from the FRR hub. First from Abitard the Nithling, the only active member of a made up unit who somehow had banning privileges on the Hub, and then by a ranking officer of another unit I'd rather not name.
The end result was, if we were to play with our unit intact, we had to play in our TS. Gradually we migrated back and we have stayed there ever since. Though our members have now been unbanned the memory of the mistreatment remains and we are currently uncomfortable in the Hub.
2. They claim we don't participate in the 'Althing'
True enough. I rarely, if ever, will make an Althing meeting. It should be noted before we go further though, that the Althing exists at my instigation. I went to the SoR and with their aid set in place the mechanisms that led to the creation of the Althing. In short, I am the originator of the Althing (it was also my idea and at my pestering that the Trondheim Daily Report was reactivated and used again - not to take away from the wonderful job Howe did with it).
Seems like a patriotic FRR thing to do. But you'd be surprised how quickly our detractors forget such things.
Why don't I show up for meetings? Well, I don't have time. I work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. The time I have for MWO is precious and fleeting. Perhaps if I was back in college and my schedule was wiiiiiiiide open I could spend all my free time on make-believe political games and machinations and I could afford to spend 2 and a half hours sitting in a teamspeak channel discussing nothing that will have any relevance in the actual game.
But I don't have that time. Nor do I begrudge the people who do. Yet they find fault in my lack of participation. That is not all. I have another problem with the Althing, despite its almost oppressive ineffectuality. I'll discuss that more in my next topic..
3. They claim our relationship with -MS- is unsavory.
People don't like to lose. And -MS- made a lot of people in the FRR lose. I understand. I was right there with everyone in those hectic first months of CW when it seemed like there was nothing we could do against the juggernaut that was -MS-. Their dozen 12 mans constantly dropping on our worlds with numbers we could not hope to stop.
It was frustrating and annoying. -MS- basically abused a bad game mechanic to climb to the top (that numbers = victory). I hear ya. They were, however, innovative. The units that make up -MS- agreed to subsume their individual unit identities in the name of an experiment to win CW.
They gambled, they sacrificed (any unit that has to lay down their tag and wear another is making a sacrifice) and they reaped the rewards. Hate the game not the player. If its bad then let PGI fix it and if it isn't bad.. well then..guess that is just how to win.
Here's the thing though. An event transpired in the Isengrim. Our Australian players needed a larger player base than the Isengrim good provide. If they were their own aussie only unit they likely would have just merged with another oceanic tz unit. But they were part of the Isengrim and loath to break those ties.
So a third way was proposed.
The Isengrim became a member of -MS-. The Australian ISEN members joined the -MS- in-game unit and were able to drop with that community in their TZ. The NA ISEN members remained in the larger ISEN/FRR independent unit.
Now here is where it gets interesting. Before then our relationship with -MS- was much the same as the rest of the FRR. But after that we became, through necessity, much closer to them. And they were nice.
Lots of people on these forums prattle on about being vikings. A depressingly large amount of them just focus on mead and think that is where Old Norse culture begins and ends. They forget things like the importance of Hospitality in Germanic cultures. They forget honor, oaths and loyalty.
I don't forget. Whatever you can say about -MS- they have been most hospitable to me and my men, and whatever prestige it may cost me in some circles, I will defend their reputation and our relationship.
Ironically, and this brings me back to my earlier unfinished grievance, I cannot say the same about the Althing.
When an FRR member, who was part of made up unit of one, was slinging mud at the ISENGRIM and harassing the ISENGRIM on the forums. The Althing did nothing to censure his power and position - even after resolution and mediation was sought by the ISEN.
The Althing government is actually quite broken.
Then when I noticed the landscape had changed since the Althing was formed. Units like -SO- and OLD had joined the FRR and become huge assets. I recommended to the leaders of the Althing that they hold a new election for leadership of the FRR's government and include these new units in it. It would lend greater legitimacy to the Althing and make the newer units feel like they had a choice in these matters.
My idea was treated like the plague and Althing leadership fled in horror from it. The very idea that their perceived powers could be lost was more than they could handle. I fear at least one FRR leader might still be traumatized to this day.
Finally, the last time I did participate in a Althing vote I counted the votes and the units present. Six units were present, but 12 votes were cast. I know I only cast one, because of integrity, but obviously it was not the same for everyone else. Now, this discrepancy wasn't even noted or mentioned upon. Apparently certain units, with certain people in those units, are allowed to have multiple votes while other units are relegated to their measly one.
I could have three of the 6 units present in favor of a proposition, but still get defeated 3-9 in an 'Althing' vote.
Ridiculous. Yet, this is even made worse when you realize that my other experience in similar votes are in -MS- where I am allowed to vote as well. Their system is much more fair and honest. It is absolute madness that the -MS- are better republicans than the Free Rasalhague Republic!
But - like I said earlier. I don't have time to play political games. I don't have time to do anything about the corrupt Althing council. You'll notice, however, I haven't gone after them I haven't tried to expose them or fight them, or anything.
I, and the rest of the Isengrim, have just been minding our own business playing this game and trying to become the competitive unit the FRR needs.
The only reason I am coming out now and saying this now is that there are people out there - unhappy people - who treat the Isengrim like 2nd-class FRR citizens, or worse; traitors. Who are gathering around Logan's post above and acting like it means more than it does.
I decided, for the sake of the honest and ignorant out there, that I would in at least one place put down the truth. That I would not mince words and say it like it is.
I tire of this bullsheët. But I wont turn my back on the FRR. I've been one of its longest supporters and will remain so. The Mad Jarl of the Isengrim is not going anywhere.
But I am a true viking. I am not a coward like Abitard the Nithling, who slunk away when challenged to a Holmgang. Refusing the opportunity to back his words up with force. I will keep my ear to the ground and I will challenge the miscreants out there demeaning the hard fighting and hard working Isengrim to Holmgangs of their own. Giving each, in their time, a chance to prove their ergi or their honor.
And what about the rest of the FRR?
This is not an insult, slight, or attack on the vast majority of the FRR. There are mostly good people and good units fighting for our dear republic. They just show up to the hub and drop and have not a thought for seedy politics or anything else of the like. Hard fighters and named men amongst them bring great honor and victories to the FRR and I ever support their efforts.
I just needed to clear a few things up is all. Tired of misconceptions having all the say.
Edited by Mech The Dane, 23 August 2015 - 03:15 PM.
Posted 23 August 2015 - 04:58 PM
Posted 05 October 2015 - 12:28 AM
Edited by Kamikaze Viking, 05 October 2015 - 12:30 AM.
Posted 11 October 2015 - 09:29 AM
feels like home

Posted 10 November 2015 - 02:26 PM
How ya been?
Posted 10 November 2015 - 10:34 PM
Posted 11 November 2015 - 05:23 AM
Posted 22 November 2015 - 07:08 AM
I started playing MWO about a year ago, and tried CW this weekend for the first time.
If i have to choose a faction i rather go with FRR and would like tojoin a unit (it's tough as playing PUG in CW).
What's up with all this "odd behaviour" of FRR-Units (banning, leaving, and all that)?
Are there any real FRR-Units left? Are there some that have time to play on maybe weekends, between 0700 and 1900 CET?
Sorry if this is the wrong thread to ask, was just browsing through the forum and after much reading i decided to just write it here.
Thanks and Greetings
el piro
Posted 22 November 2015 - 07:32 AM
el piromaniaco, on 22 November 2015 - 07:08 AM, said:
I started playing MWO about a year ago, and tried CW this weekend for the first time.
If i have to choose a faction i rather go with FRR and would like tojoin a unit (it's tough as playing PUG in CW).
What's up with all this "odd behaviour" of FRR-Units (banning, leaving, and all that)?
Are there any real FRR-Units left? Are there some that have time to play on maybe weekends, between 0700 and 1900 CET?
Sorry if this is the wrong thread to ask, was just browsing through the forum and after much reading i decided to just write it here.
Thanks and Greetings
el piro
Anyway i dropped with you in CW a couple of times, its good to see new people in the FRR and in CW .
If you see Theaus on the FRR Teamspeak have a chat to him, hes the leader of the [SO] Sons of Odin, a loyalist FRR unit, who have a wide range of players, playing during all hours. A good unit, im happy to recommend.
If you don't have TS its a good idea to get it from https://www.teamspeak.com/
Or send Theaus a friend invite in game and have a chat.
Edited by Ace Selin, 22 November 2015 - 07:37 AM.
Posted 22 November 2015 - 08:11 AM
Ja, i remember your name, hope i didn't make a complete fool of myself in these drops (well, i only did it about 8 times now)
el piro
Posted 22 November 2015 - 11:28 AM
el piromaniaco, on 22 November 2015 - 07:08 AM, said:
I started playing MWO about a year ago, and tried CW this weekend for the first time.
If i have to choose a faction i rather go with FRR and would like tojoin a unit (it's tough as playing PUG in CW).
What's up with all this "odd behaviour" of FRR-Units (banning, leaving, and all that)?
Are there any real FRR-Units left? Are there some that have time to play on maybe weekends, between 0700 and 1900 CET?
Sorry if this is the wrong thread to ask, was just browsing through the forum and after much reading i decided to just write it here.
Thanks and Greetings
el piro
Ace Selin, on 22 November 2015 - 07:32 AM, said:
Anyway i dropped with you in CW a couple of times, its good to see new people in the FRR and in CW .
If you see Theaus on the FRR Teamspeak have a chat to him, hes the leader of the [SO] Sons of Odin, a loyalist FRR unit, who have a wide range of players, playing during all hours. A good unit, im happy to recommend.
If you don't have TS its a good idea to get it from https://www.teamspeak.com/
Or send Theaus a friend invite in game and have a chat.
el piromaniaco, on 22 November 2015 - 08:11 AM, said:
Ja, i remember your name, hope i didn't make a complete fool of myself in these drops (well, i only did it about 8 times now)
el piro
Welcome to The Isengrim recruitment thread, guys.
Posted 22 November 2015 - 11:57 AM
Can Isengrim be the right home for me?
As I already wrote, weekends from 0700 till 1900 CET, unless I have to save the real world on short notice, and maybe holidays?
Didn't had much time today to really look up on you, real world needed saving several times and I did some CW drops.
Greetings and salutations
el piro
Posted 22 November 2015 - 11:58 AM
Ace Selin, on 22 November 2015 - 07:32 AM, said:
Anyway i dropped with you in CW a couple of times, its good to see new people in the FRR and in CW .
If you see Theaus on the FRR Teamspeak have a chat to him, hes the leader of the [SO] Sons of Odin, a loyalist FRR unit, who have a wide range of players, playing during all hours. A good unit, im happy to recommend.
If you don't have TS its a good idea to get it from https://www.teamspeak.com/
Or send Theaus a friend invite in game and have a chat.
I didn't know SO had merged with ISEN. Looks like I need to update a chart or two.
Posted 22 November 2015 - 11:58 AM
Can Isengrim be the right home for me?
As I already wrote, weekends from 0700 till 1900 CET, unless I have to save the real world on short notice, and maybe holidays?
Didn't had much time today to really look up on you, real world needed saving several times and I did some CW drops.
Greetings and salutations
el piro
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