<Disclaimer>Some of you may find this post inflammatory LOL we will see.
For starters, I love Battletech. I have loved it since 1984 when I was 12 and played my first game with little paper mechs. I have played just about every incarnation of the game, from the PC games, to the battletech pods, to the CCG. Hell I even had dreams as a kid of growing up to be rich enough to buy my own pods. I admit it, I am a {Noble MechWarrior}. The reason I took the job working in the gaming industry wasn't for the money. Because it doesn't pay all that well. It was the love of the games! (and all the free swag. I'll post a pic of my mech collection someday.)
So on to this game.
I LIKE MWO! There I said it. This is not to say that there aren't things wrong with it! I have yet to really find a game that didn't have things wrong with it. I am even speaking of the original game. (In this day and age the TT game runs too slow for most people, they want it fast and dirty) If I were running things, with the game as it stands, congratulations we would just now be in Open Beta. With CW and full release slated for Jan 2014 at the earliest. They wasted a lot of time reinventing the wheel with all these weapon tweeks. Trying to find ways to generate money while still in a very weak beta.
That being said, there are a lot of things that I don't know. Like what all is involved with recoding cry3 for the game. How many man hours they have to work with. What kind of capital they had available to them for producing the game. How often they had a changed direction in what they were trying to accomplish. All of these things have a big impact on timelines and final product. Remember that even though you ay have dumped a bunch of money into the game already, this is STILL a free to play game and you DIDN'T have to. And FTP changes the dynamics a lot.
Some things I do know. These guys are not Bill Gates. And what I mean by that is...and I admit I am just guessing here...these guys are {Noble MechWarriors} too, they are professional geeks. That doesn't mean they also know how to run a business. It means they have a vision for their product. That doesn't mean they have the know how from a business standpoint. I like Jordan Weissman and L. Ross Babbcock. They were really {Noble MechWarriors} too. They were in love with being the rockstars of the gaming industry. They weren't very good at running a business. That was Mort's job, and when he decided to retire, FASA wasn't far behind. You could tell by the way things were run at FASA, and Ral Partha, EVERYDAY was fun times and after ohh I guess I better get this done for deadline. Oh deadline was a week ago? Oops my bad, well its done now.
So yeah I think these guys let us play their little game, and no I don't think they did their homework. I think they spent too much time playing around the office, and not enough meeting deadlines. But they DO have a vision. I can see it in what they have put out so far. Does that mean I like all of their visions? No, no I don't. In fact I am really NOT looking forward to the clans.
You guys *****, and I hear it constantly, this is OP, that is OP. IF they implement Clans like they did in Battletech (fortunately I hear they aren't or I would quit) OP better get ready for an *** whoopin, cause that's what the Clans were. Every little geektweeker out there will load up every little bit of "Clantech" (and with clantech that's a lot) on their mechs and game over folks. Talk about balancing issues? What a nightmare!!! Even Jordan said that if he had realized what they were doing when they released the Clans he wouldn't have done it. As story line it was ******* awesome, as for gameplay, it killed it!!! For you old school gamers think of it like this...who wouldn't want a +5 vorpal sword of uber slaying?!? But if you give one to your characters, you have to give your monsters something equally as good or its no challenge, and no fun. But then the characters win and now they have what the monsters had too. Its the cosmic game of monty hall one upsmanship that never ends. So I say just gimme a PPC that does 10 heat and 10 damage and keep your clantech {Scrap}. Lemme kill some robots.
So I plan on hanging around to see where their vision leads them. Once its all said and done then I will decide what I think of the game and quit or keep playing based on all the information. Yes I bought the overlord package, but not because these mechs are OP (I hope they aren't!) but because I love them and want them in my mechbay. So yes you will probably see me on everyday for a month, but then you might not see me for another. I get burned out too! But I will keep coming back for love of the game until they find a way to ruin it for me.
Go ahead PGI take your time if you must, I can be patient! Just show me what your vision was really all about! From my standpoint, REAL content is what this game needs NOT new mechs and maps. Get us something that is more than just a constant, pointless deathmatch, please! Focus on getting CW out and save the weapon tweaks and new mechs for after. If this post doesn't belong here please feel free to move it where it does, but please don't just delete it.
the end