Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade is looking for eager pilots veteran and green alike to fill it's ranks.

"Speak of the wolves and they will come"
Our Origins:We originate from Kerberos Special Forces resident to Terra. The Wolf Brigade was a secretive sect deep within the Kerberos Special Forces and believe themselves to be wolves in human form. Our Brigade Commander, Chief Thunder saw fit to tear loose of our chains and blaze our own path of destiny as Mechwarriors. We separated from the Infantry unit Kerberos Special Forces following the-then leadership's decision to send us on a suicide mission. The Wolf Brigade lived, against all odds, and against the designs and plots of Kerberos. Rather than returning with the remnants of his unit, Chief Thunder and his men fled to start anew under their own banner. We will bring honor to the name Jin-Roh again as we raise our Armored Brigade up to full strength again. Still paying homage to our origins, Chief Thunder is running Jin-Roh as an armored infantry unit with an emphasis on training.
Tactics: Our Tactics are highly secretive and still experimental, Chief Thunder is confident in his blueprint for success but isn't telling his plans to anyone outside of Jin-Roh. Guess the community will just have to wait and see what the wolves bring to the table.
Organization Structure: We have 14 ranks, 6 are time table ranks which are earned automatically though good behavior and activity. The rest are earned through merit and distinguishing one's self. We are highly organized with training plans, visual training references , and are accepting pilots from all skill levels. WE CAN TRAIN YOU! If you survive our training, you will reach your maximum potential as a mechwarrior!
We have a trained Diplomatic Officer, if you wish to communicate to Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade, it's members or officers, please visit our "Community Forums" which are open to the public and stop by our Diplomatic office. http://jin-roh.enjin.com/forum The rest of our forums are not visible to the public populace. Cheers!
We invite you to visit the home of "Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade" and see for yourself in what manner we conduct ourselves. We expect the best out of you, if you want to win, have fun, and be a part of a rising Mercenary Corporation with roleplaying/Milsim elements throughout, then visit our home, register and sign on with JIN-ROH: THE WOLF BRIGADE.
Edited by Chief Thunder, 20 September 2013 - 08:21 PM.