Johnny Marek Summers, on 06 September 2013 - 08:09 AM, said:
You need to unlock Basic skils on three variants so you can start buying Elite skills. Once you unlock all four Elite skills on a variant, the Basic skill bouses will DOUBLE. You will need to unlock all Elite sklls on three mechs in the same weight class to be able to unlock your Master skill. So if you focus on one chassis and get three variants all the Elite skills you can then Master your favorite.
Woah woah woah woah.
If I buy two more Cicadas, and I get all the basic and elites on all of them, then the basic skills double, so I would get +15% to heat dissipation?!
Eaerie, on 06 September 2013 - 08:23 AM, said:
Personal opinion here but if you are thinking about a laser cicada, just get a Jenner, you can put 6mlas on the "F" go faster and be harder to hit. The smaller profile and more speed makes a Jenner very survivable, with the rare random placed great shot from an enemy.
Well I looked at it and decided to get a laser Cicada. What you're saying would be true, but I'm running a 340 XL (which saves money because I already had it) and 2xLL + 3xSL. I don't think the Jenner can fit that well, and I wouldn't have wanted to buy a new XL engine.
Plus the Laser Cicada has multiple lasers per hole, and I just love that, makes up for the double armor in MWO almost.