How are a Mobile Suit's controls supposed to work? It's never really explained in the animes, at least the ones I've seen, but I've been looking at images of the Zaku's cockpit and trying to make sense of it.

So there's two joysticks which look like the primary controls.
Now to me, it seems to make sense that it would be something like a Playstation 2 First Person Shooter control scheme, but applied to joysticks instead. The right stick is used to turn and look around, with buttons on it to change views, switch weapons, lock on to targets, fire, etc. While the left stick is used to move and rotate, with buttons to jump, crouch, go prone, fire thrusters, and so on. While the dashboard and other buttons would be used to control secondary functions and minor systems.
But that still doesn't explain how Mobile Suits are capable of intricate, precise movements, like picking up an object, or all those fancy melee combat moves they pull off. Plus, in the anime, the joysticks can slide back and forth like throttles. So what purpose would that serve?
Any of you guys got lore books or something on this?