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We Desperately Needs A 12V12 Lobby

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#1 Pycckuu


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Posted 26 September 2013 - 07:30 PM

When this game was still in beta last winter, PGI stated that they do not intend to support community run events, tournaments and the like. They said that they will be able to conduct the tournaments themselves. Then, community warfare would come out and introduce a long term goal for all the players, including organized groups. Fast forward to today, there is still no community warfare. There have also been a total of ZERO ladder-style tournaments for competitive teams to participate in. I don't know if PGI is short staffed or if this is not a priority, but the lack of attention to the competitive community is disheartening.

At this time, there are no goals for organized groups to pursue in this game. There are attempts to run community ladder tournaments, but they are a huge pain in the *** to participate in. Run Hot or Die (RHoD) are one of the few groups trying to organize the competitive community in a 12v12 tournaments. However, since we don't have a lobby and cannot pick our opponents out of a list of teams, participating in this tournament is very difficult. Sometimes it can take HOURS before you match up against the right opponent. It's a huge waste of everybody's time, and a lot of groups have already given up on RHoD and even MWO.

An active competitive community is very healthy for a multiplayer game such as MWO. The players will design unique gameplay strategies and mech builds that work for those strategies. It adds depth to the game and keeps old players playing, earning c-bills and spending real life money on new hero mechs and premium time. It will encourage new players to buy mechs so they too can get involved in the competitive tournament scene.

MWO desperately needs a 12v12 lobby. Currently any meaningful stages of Community Warfare are more than 6 months away. Between now and then, there is absolutely nothing to do in this game besides grind mechs. The battletech universe is vast, and trying to do everything on your own this early in the development cycle is very ambitions. Let the community do the work for you! All we need is a lobby system so organized groups can pick who they are dropping against. It will be a huge boost to the activity of organized groups in this game. If you have to, put everything on hold and add the lobby as soon as possible. Yes, it is that important.

tldr: Meaningful stages of community warfare won't be out for a long time. MWO needs a healthy competitive community to stay alive, which requires actively running tournaments for people to get involved in. Without a lobby system for 12v12 drops, it's very difficult and very frustrating to organize these tournaments. The lobby system should have been a #1 priority for a long time, but after all of the CW delays, now is the time when the game needs it the most.

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