First, let me start with the mechanics changes. I have three mechanic changes in mind, all affecting base capture. They are to further limit the number of mechs that affect the capture rate, the speed of the capture rate, and the ability for the defenders to reset the base capture.
The first mechanic change based on how many mechs affect the speed of the capture. Currently, the capture rate is multiplied by the number of mechs inside the base's parameters with a maximum multiplier of roughly 4 mechs with capture accelerators. My change would be to lower the limit to just one mech and one capture accelerator. Piling on more mechs onto the base will not be of any benefit. One affect this should have is that if the two teams bypass each other on the map, there is no point for the entire team to stack onto the base. Most of the team can turn around look for the enemy leaving a mech behind to capture the base. It should pretty much eliminate the "cap rush".
The second change is to reduce the amount of time it takes to capture the base. That the multiplier for the number of mechs has been reduced, if not removed, the time it takes to capture the base can be lowered. The amount of time it takes to capture each base should be based on the amount of time it takes a sock Atlas traveling at 48.6 km/h to go from one base to the other +30 seconds. This gives the entire team ample opportunity to protect their base from being captured.
The third mechanic change is not just a change in numbers. It is the ability for a team to reclaim their base and reset the capture bar. This can be done in a number of ways. One is for a friendly mech to reset the bar by setting on the base similar to Conquest. Another would be for the capture bar to automatically refill any time all enemy mechs steps out of the base parameters or are destroyed within the base. So no more 80% captures by lights and then running off to finish out the cap later.
Now the next set of changes is to the rewards system and is intended to balance out the C-bills rewards from direct combat and non-combat roles. Currently, the C-bill rewards are as follows:
- Win/Loss/Tie = 25,000
- Team Kill = -10,000 * how many teammates you have killed
- Component Destroyed = 2,500 * how many components you have destroyed
- Enemy Kill = 5,000 * how many enemies you have killed
- Enemy Kill Assist =7,500 * how many kill assists you got in the match
- Spotting Assist = 2,500 * how many spotting assists you got in the match
- Damage Done = 25 * how much damage you did in the match
- Savior Kills = ?
- Scrap = ?
- Capture Win = 0
My reward system would be as follows:
- Win/Loss/Tie = 25,000
- Team Kill = -10,000 * how many teammates you have killed
- Component Destroyed = 1,500 * how many components you have destroyed
- Enemy Kill = 4,000 * how many enemies you have killed
- Enemy Kill Assist =5,500 * how many kill assists you got in the match
- Spotting Assist = 3,000 * how many spotting assists you got in the match
- Damage Done has been removed
- Savior Kills = ?
- Scrap = ?
- Capture Win = 10,000
- Base Defense Kill = 2,000 * how many enemies you have killed or kill assist within your base's "zone" (10 seconds outside the base parameters).
I debating on whether there should be a Capture Assist reward, but I could not come up with a solution that was practical and not exploitable. However, capturing the base is a viable role that should have a reward of some sort. One aspect I didn't include where the TAG, Narc, and UAV rewards. That is because I don't know what the current rewards are for these actions.
The end result is that these changes will make Assault more like Capture the Flag, with the ability to reclaim the "flag" by resetting the base capture bar as well as adjust the rewards so that they are not so weighted towards direct combat roles, thus taking the focus off of just destroying all enemy mechs, but on completing EITHER mission objectives.
Edited by Farix, 27 September 2013 - 05:15 AM.