I do not see the reason for doom and gloom.
Mercenary units being more about the detail of how a unit is organised, whereas faction units are more concerned with the bigger picture, has long been known from earlier statements. Try to see the upside: Yes, mercs are getting their fancy logistics and dropships - but the factions are getting a territory control game, to which the mercs are at best tolerated guests! They may capture planets for the Great Houses, but will they ever feel part of them? No, they will not, and as such the feeling of unity between faction players, and the shared glory in triumph when the border against
the despicable Federated Sunsyour preferred enemy is pushed ever closer towards their homelands, will be something lost to them - simply because they stand apart. You will also always have the chance to further organise yourselves beyond picking the same regimental association by using external methods just like you are already doing right now.
This aside, it has been mentioned that the developer is now reviewing the ability for faction-based military commands to be set up in a similar player-run manner as mercenary units, and even though I feel this may grant the respective regiments too much independence for a properly integrated soldiery, this is arguably a big step forward compared to what has been announced before.
Thank the kami for small mercies, for once, instead of propagating pessimism.
Lord Ikka, on 30 September 2013 - 05:08 PM, said:
Doesn't mean that you become a Dragoon, just you get their paintjob.
Bah, someone joining that regiment should have the integrity to embrace this choice. If they do not like it, why not stay with one of the Houses?
But I agree that it fits to the canon, certainly more than ComStar, as much as I realize that this is also a very popular group.
Edited by Kyone Akashi, 30 September 2013 - 06:10 PM.