So basically I'm wondering if we could get some extra options in the stats pages. Mainly I would like it to where I could push a button and view stats for all/solo/2man/3man/4man/12man. Where each selection would just show you how you are doing when in a certain kind of group and all would just show the overall. Or simply just all/solo/group.
I only put in a poll for pug/premade seperate stats but I would like if there was some other things added too. Like I think it would be nice if you could look at stats based on a certain timeframe. A custom time frame would be nice but even something that was just weekly or monthly would be nice. This of course would just be something you could click and it would just show you your stats from that time frame which you could then compare to your overall or previous weeks/months.
It would also be neat if when looking at your mech page you could click on a mech and see stats for your different builds.
Sorry if this has been discussed recently (didn't see it) but what do you guys think? Any features you want to see added to stats?
Edited by dario03, 06 October 2013 - 08:50 AM.