With the Phoenix pack around the corner i decided to watch some mw videos and enjoy some nostalgia.
Then i saw the Locust and was thinking "huh? thats not a locust" and looked for some old battletech pictures. The design is completly different and its hard to say that the new one is a locust if u know the old one.
Dont get me wrong i like the new one, realy awesome looking thingy but why is the design so far away from the original?
The first difference I noticed were the legs. The original Legs were connected to the shoulders and not to the torso. Also the legs are too fat and too short. The torsogun should be under the torso and should look slim and long.
I hope that the designs will not be too consistently. It destroys some unique old designs...
Im not realy a pro or veteran in BT, i played only Mechwarrior titles sooo maybe im wrong with my thinking. If that is the case please correct me ^^
What do you think?
ps.:(Sorry for the grammar and writing errors. It is not my native language ^^; )
Here some pictures of old Locust

Edited by Degalus, 08 October 2013 - 02:32 AM.