Prosperity Park, on 09 October 2013 - 09:17 AM, said:
I disagree. There is a saved-by-the-bell mechanic in every gametype. If deathmatch doesn't have a timer, then I will retract my statements. However, if it does, then there does exist the possibility of saving yourself from a death on your stats by waiting out the clock in unfavorable conditions.
Perhaps if the devs announced or incorperated some other means of saving your stats without restricting your enjoyment of the game in all game modes (for instance, ejection, and perhaps it had it's own stat tracked separately. I have no suggestions for how to limit abuse on this), then I could agree to that as well.
Me personally, I don't care about my KD. It's not that great. I am interested in real answers to problems that will arise. So far as I am aware in my personal going about, I have never been reported for waiting it out in Assault or Conquest, limited though those times may be. I have also never reported someone for doing so, because what are you really reporting? Thanks for making it easier to cap the base(s)? Deathmatch, with it's presumable no 2nd objective, alters that equation drastically. I think many statwarriors WILL look to the clock to save them.