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October Creative Director Update

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#601 Devil Fox


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Posted 24 November 2013 - 06:54 PM

They want to seem mainstream... problem is the actual audience that reads the creative updates, and questions them will probably not like needing to sit down to watch a 15-30min clip of ramblings. Hell I didn't even sit down through the dev monologues via NGNG a month or 2 back, I'd rather sit down with the transcript or someones written material that I can absorb and understand then circling statements and innuendo about content.

Will this new format be worthwhile? The answer will be most likely not... and I know a number of people who will be walking away from this game come Christmas if there ain't large changes to this game that improve it for the better in December...

#602 Jakob Knight


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Posted 24 November 2013 - 07:40 PM

View PostApostal, on 24 November 2013 - 06:54 PM, said:

They want to seem mainstream... problem is the actual audience that reads the creative updates, and questions them will probably not like needing to sit down to watch a 15-30min clip of ramblings. Hell I didn't even sit down through the dev monologues via NGNG a month or 2 back, I'd rather sit down with the transcript or someones written material that I can absorb and understand then circling statements and innuendo about content.

Will this new format be worthwhile? The answer will be most likely not... and I know a number of people who will be walking away from this game come Christmas if there ain't large changes to this game that improve it for the better in December...

Of course, the root of the problem is probably that the devs were raised in an education system where they spent alot of their time learning how to work Facebook and Twitter, and thus feel much more comfortable using those media than the written form that was a part of school they never finished. Having to write something probably makes they break out in sweat and requires hours or even days for them to pound out a single page.

So I guess we can understand that they see FB and Twitter as mainstream and the only way to communicate. And it also probably explains why they can only say 'maybe' 'soon' 'uh' and 'I don't know' when asked questions they have to give facts for.

Then again, given that they have less veracity than the typical politician, it's probably no great loss. What good is it listening to someone you can't trust?

#603 Chavette


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Posted 24 November 2013 - 08:19 PM

If this game had a "post of the month" award, the one above me would certainly be the one.

#604 Sir Roland MXIII


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Posted 24 November 2013 - 08:40 PM

View PostChavette, on 24 November 2013 - 08:19 PM, said:

If this game had a "post of the month" award, the one above me would certainly be the one.


View Posttommilator, on 23 November 2013 - 12:44 PM, said:

Latest update on the next CDU:

EDIT Forgot reply - Yeah because obviously writing a page of text was too d***ed difficult, so now they're going to make it "easier" on themselves by doing a video.

Posted Image

View PostNuclearPanda, on 21 November 2013 - 05:31 AM, said:

It's a constant dance of communication and miscommunication it seems with PGI.

Posted Image

Either they're doing great with it or doing poorly. Seems like there is never a middle ground.

That last little bit, looped, with the customers as the Medic and PGI as the Heavy is really all they've done for the last year or more. Any video they produce will obviously just be more of the same.

Granted, the video we'll get will eloquently showcase all of PGI's competence, hence why I expect it'll be stick figures rendered with crayons.

Edited by Sir Roland MXIII, 24 November 2013 - 08:54 PM.

#605 Goosfraba


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Posted 24 November 2013 - 09:09 PM

Well, they have till Friday.

#606 Sir Roland MXIII


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Posted 24 November 2013 - 09:52 PM

View PostGoosfraba, on 24 November 2013 - 09:09 PM, said:

Well, they have till Friday.

And of course being PGI the December 2013 CDU video won't be available until February of 2014, at which point they'll scrap it and start over again, take too long...



#607 Zolaz


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 08:41 AM

lol ... PGI cant even get a November update out to its player base. An entire month and nothing to show for it. Good Job PGI. Keep up the good work!!! Ya'll are awesome.


#608 Noonan


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 08:49 AM

PGI seems to have not yet met a 'deadline' that they could not fumble.

#609 Chronojam


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 02:10 PM

They still have this week, and supposedly it's going to be some video.

So I guess what I'm saying is, if we don't have a video by this weekend we'll know things screwed up again.

#610 dangerzone


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 03:00 PM

Uh...wow...guys. All the November Updates are patched in. Why the hell would they make a November CDU when Dec. is right around the corner? This gives them a whole month to make a better video CDU.

And no, making a new formal communication update for a game is not a simple "Backyard film project". This video will represent PGI and they need to make sure it is proper.

Most of you are dwelling on the past and using that as a basis to automatically insult PGI before the stuff they are working on is even FINISHED.

Maybe you all should go play some MWO for a bit, and relax while PGI sets things up for a December CDU. FYI: They have families too just like you all do. Just because you want them to work during the holidays out of your greed and selfishness does not mean they do not get to spend Christmas with their families. Last time I checked, nobody likes to work the holidays. Stop being selfish and think of others for once.

I am not here to say PGI is a god amongst developers because they are anything but. They have plenty of flaws, just as other game developers do. The difference here, is you guys won't even let them come up with a way to try and improve communication (video CDU), and instead just harsh on them all day long.


P.S.: If you think you guys can do better or help assist PGI in making MWO better as some of you really do have nice ideas, such as the split pelvis leg hitbox that was made by a community player, to which PGI used that idea in the hitbox passes....go apply for a job there. The button is at the bottom of the page ;) (Sometimes it shows IGP hiring. Just refresh the page) I'd love to apply, but my degree is for engineering not programming.

Edited by dangerzone, 25 November 2013 - 03:04 PM.

#611 Jakob Knight


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 03:58 PM

View Postdangerzone, on 25 November 2013 - 03:00 PM, said:

Uh...wow...guys. All the November Updates are patched in. Why the hell would they make a November CDU when Dec. is right around the corner? This gives them a whole month to make a better video CDU.

And no, making a new formal communication update for a game is not a simple "Backyard film project". This video will represent PGI and they need to make sure it is proper.

Most of you are dwelling on the past and using that as a basis to automatically insult PGI before the stuff they are working on is even FINISHED.

Maybe you all should go play some MWO for a bit, and relax while PGI sets things up for a December CDU. FYI: They have families too just like you all do. Just because you want them to work during the holidays out of your greed and selfishness does not mean they do not get to spend Christmas with their families. Last time I checked, nobody likes to work the holidays. Stop being selfish and think of others for once.

I am not here to say PGI is a god amongst developers because they are anything but. They have plenty of flaws, just as other game developers do. The difference here, is you guys won't even let them come up with a way to try and improve communication (video CDU), and instead just harsh on them all day long.


P.S.: If you think you guys can do better or help assist PGI in making MWO better as some of you really do have nice ideas, such as the split pelvis leg hitbox that was made by a community player, to which PGI used that idea in the hitbox passes....go apply for a job there. The button is at the bottom of the page ;) (Sometimes it shows IGP hiring. Just refresh the page) I'd love to apply, but my degree is for engineering not programming.

PGI has already represented itself, by failed deadlines, lies to it's playerbase, and false statements of intent...all without remorse. In addition, the need to improve communications with the playerbase was admitted, and now has been discarded. Thus, any idea a video summary of what would only take a single post here is somehow a representation meant to erase the intended corporate image the Devs have very completely set in place by their own choice is hardly a laudable idea.

I agree there is little point, now, in making a DCU for this month. That, in a way, -is- the point. Even if they posted something now, it would not be a Creative Update for November but a simple attempt to seek an excuse. They have failed yet another communication with the playerbase, and thus continued their behavior that they expressed apology for previously. Therefore, the only conclusion is that that apology was insincere.

If you have a problem using past action to pass evaluation on current actions that match the record to date, I suggest you re-evaluate your own standards. Discarding past actions in the hope that PGI is a better company than its actions have demonstrated is not logical deduction, but simple wishful thinking. You claim it is selfish of the playerbase to expect the Devs to make regular updates because the Devs' personal needs are more important than their jobs. I wonder how you can say that when the effort required is extremely small, perhaps an hour of typing a summary of reports the Creative Developer should already have on his/her desk. That, to you, is too much work? In addition, last I checked, my job didn't depend on if I liked working or not...if I have a job to do, I do it or I don't collect a paycheck.

Finally, I probably could do a better job, as I'd at least give it my best shot. I might fail at technical skill, I might fail at making things work. However, I would not fail to appreciate my responsibilities, keep my promises (or failing that, accept responsibility and work to make restitution), appreciate the playerbase who are my clients/customers, or avoid making fraudulent statements. And, it is because that is how I treat my work that I could not work for this company, even if my technical skill allowed me some kind of slot.

And a video CDU is -not- an improvement on communication, but a failure to communicate. If they can't say what they have to say here, then what good is seeing a person who can't say what they have to say here? It only proves they are looking for teenage 'cool' instead of substantive information.

Thus, they have amply earned all ire and resentment they receive, as they have shown disrespect and contempt for their playerbase and their own Forums.

Edited by Jakob Knight, 25 November 2013 - 04:00 PM.

#612 Flying Judgement


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 04:19 PM

a video format !?!? What is that for?!
I just want to read through the whole stuff super fast filtering only what im interested in. than read that part a again if needed.
video ? ummm it feels like a regression to me.

#613 dangerzone


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 04:35 PM

View PostJakob Knight, on 25 November 2013 - 03:58 PM, said:

PGI has already represented itself, by failed deadlines, lies to it's playerbase, and false statements of intent...all without remorse. In addition, the need to improve communications with the playerbase was admitted, and now has been discarded. Thus, any idea a video summary of what would only take a single post here is somehow a representation meant to erase the intended corporate image the Devs have very completely set in place by their own choice is hardly a laudable idea.

I agree there is little point, now, in making a DCU for this month. That, in a way, -is- the point. Even if they posted something now, it would not be a Creative Update for November but a simple attempt to seek an excuse. They have failed yet another communication with the playerbase, and thus continued their behavior that they expressed apology for previously. Therefore, the only conclusion is that that apology was insincere.

If you have a problem using past action to pass evaluation on current actions that match the record to date, I suggest you re-evaluate your own standards. Discarding past actions in the hope that PGI is a better company than its actions have demonstrated is not logical deduction, but simple wishful thinking. You claim it is selfish of the playerbase to expect the Devs to make regular updates because the Devs' personal needs are more important than their jobs. I wonder how you can say that when the effort required is extremely small, perhaps an hour of typing a summary of reports the Creative Developer should already have on his/her desk. That, to you, is too much work? In addition, last I checked, my job didn't depend on if I liked working or not...if I have a job to do, I do it or I don't collect a paycheck.

Finally, I probably could do a better job, as I'd at least give it my best shot. I might fail at technical skill, I might fail at making things work. However, I would not fail to appreciate my responsibilities, keep my promises (or failing that, accept responsibility and work to make restitution), appreciate the playerbase who are my clients/customers, or avoid making fraudulent statements. And, it is because that is how I treat my work that I could not work for this company, even if my technical skill allowed me some kind of slot.

And a video CDU is -not- an improvement on communication, but a failure to communicate. If they can't say what they have to say here, then what good is seeing a person who can't say what they have to say here? It only proves they are looking for teenage 'cool' instead of substantive information.

Thus, they have amply earned all ire and resentment they receive, as they have shown disrespect and contempt for their playerbase and their own Forums.

This is all true, but if you keep harshing a company based on things they did in the past, and applying that to things they have not even released, then you are already condemning any effort they try to make. Sure, they screw up a lot, but at least they still try. They could easily just shut down the servers, not tell anyone why, and abandon the game....if that is what you want.

Assuming, it is not what you want, as well as countless mechwarriors who would say the same, we might as well buckle up for the ride, and hope for the best until this game one day (if it ever does) shut down for good.

Also, as for the holiday bit, I meant as in making Clans, CW and UI 2.0. As for the Video CDU, it is not a simple, point a camera at someone talking and record them. Chances are they are going to make it into something nice. IF it was as simple as point-and-shoot filming, we'd have a November Video CDU by now, would we not?

#614 Tekadept


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 04:41 PM

I enjoy watching videos for other games under development with the likes of Richard Garriot, Bryan Fargo, David Braben, they are very informative and charismatic and answer all sorts of questions in a clear easy to understand way.

I have a feeling this video effort will involve a whole lot of guys saying Coming soon, We dont know yet and will leave more questions then answers.

At least with a video you can look into their eyes and judge their soul and read their body language when they say something ;)

#615 Zolaz


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 04:41 PM

View Postdangerzone, on 25 November 2013 - 04:35 PM, said:

This is all true, but if you keep harshing a company based on things they did in the past, and applying that to things they have not even released, then you are already condemning any effort they try to make. Sure, they screw up a lot, but at least they still try. They could easily just shut down the servers, not tell anyone why, and abandon the game....if that is what you want.

Assuming, it is not what you want, as well as countless mechwarriors who would say the same, we might as well buckle up for the ride, and hope for the best until this game one day (if it ever does) shut down for good.

Also, as for the holiday bit, I meant as in making Clans, CW and UI 2.0. As for the Video CDU, it is not a simple, point a camera at someone talking and record them. Chances are they are going to make it into something nice. IF it was as simple as point-and-shoot filming, we'd have a November Video CDU by now, would we not?

The best indicator of future performance is past performance. I have lowered my expectations for PGI. I actually dont think they can program or produce anything, in a reasonable amount of time, besides mechs. Anything else will be at a snail's pace. Being over a year behind schedule isnt "harshing" it is OMG WTF are you doing.

#616 Feetwet


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 05:03 PM

View PostZolaz, on 25 November 2013 - 04:41 PM, said:

The best indicator of future performance is past performance. I have lowered my expectations for PGI. I actually dont think they can program or produce anything, in a reasonable amount of time, besides mechs. Anything else will be at a snail's pace. Being over a year behind schedule isnt "harshing" it is OMG WTF are you doing.

This developer has hit rock bottom and begun to dig.

They would not need to work the holidays if they finished features on or near on schedule. From what I had previously heard last December was by this time I should have at least been using CW phase 1...ie, faction selection...for over 8 months.

I started this as a joke back in July when I first heard it but now it's getting sad:

Big things coming in December!


#617 Jack Spade Ward


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 05:26 PM

Sorry guys, but what is CDU video?

#618 Chemie


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 05:35 PM

They want to do a video for the CDU but it all hinges on UI2.0

Once Ui2 is out, then they can really focus on new and improved communications.

#619 dangerzone


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 05:51 PM

View PostZolaz, on 25 November 2013 - 04:41 PM, said:

The best indicator of future performance is past performance. I have lowered my expectations for PGI. I actually dont think they can program or produce anything, in a reasonable amount of time, besides mechs. Anything else will be at a snail's pace. Being over a year behind schedule isnt "harshing" it is OMG WTF are you doing.

This is true. We may better know this as a 'track record'. Sadly, even my expectations for PGI have lowered considerably since I started playing in CB back in May 2012...however, sitting here insulting them and such does not make them program any faster or work any faster. It has been confirmed they are short handed and are finding that hiring on new programmers is difficult as most well known programming colleges are in USA and not Cananda. Furthermore, even if these USA grads wanted a job at PGI they might not want to move to another country just for a job seeing as they may have family to bring. Not to say there are not good colleges for programming in Canada.

As for what Chemie said, he is spot on. I think I remember in a past AtD if in UI2.0, in-game updates on new info could be displayed in it, and they had responded that sounds like a great idea and something they could work towards. (can't remember which AtD...not searching through 50 of them)

The improved communication is good and needs to be kept up for anyone to truly believe they are getting better. You do not suddenly win over your consumer-base overnight just because you spilled the beans on some juicy info. Now, if Russ's and Bryans' twitter feeds were on the front page and was an auto-update thing kind of like the RadioChatterFeed, I would be okay with that as I only have twitter to see what those two say.

PGI is bringing the hammer down on bugs finally, and there are more still needed to be squashed, but the fact they are showing an effort more than anything is more than enough for me to give them a fighting chance. I'll still play this game as long as it exists, but they need to step up. As I said before, they have plenty of flaws. They just need to get some more people in their staff and only then do I feel they can step it up to full potential.

#620 Jakob Knight


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Posted 25 November 2013 - 05:56 PM

View PostChemie, on 25 November 2013 - 05:35 PM, said:

They want to do a video for the CDU but it all hinges on UI2.0

Once Ui2 is out, then they can really focus on new and improved communications.

Yes, because an updated UI is critical to being able to talk to your customers.

View Postdangerzone, on 25 November 2013 - 05:51 PM, said:

It has been confirmed they are short handed and are finding that hiring on new programmers is difficult as most well known programming colleges are in USA and not Cananda. Furthermore, even if these USA grads wanted a job at PGI they might not want to move to another country just for a job seeing as they may have family to bring.

It might also be difficult to hire people after proving that your printed word and promises made means nothing to you. Hard to make an employment contract with proven lack of integrity like that.

Edited by Jakob Knight, 25 November 2013 - 06:00 PM.

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