Gods Bless The Atlas Pilot
Posted 08 October 2013 - 09:25 AM
Posted 08 October 2013 - 09:27 AM
Posted 08 October 2013 - 09:44 AM
Also personally I always run my DDC with a large standard engine. The speed really does help. If you are lumbering along at 48 you are an easy tarket for every one.
Edited by XX Sulla XX, 08 October 2013 - 09:45 AM.
Posted 08 October 2013 - 09:48 AM
Broad5ide, on 08 October 2013 - 09:27 AM, said:
This. Also, you might not be able to twist very fast, but you don't need to twist very far to spread a laser or a volley of SRMs across your whole front torso. Spread your damage out and avoid being cored. If it means losing an arm to get within AC/20 and SRM effective range, do it. The arm is not a significant loss compared to a side torso.
You MUST, I repeat, MUST not assume that because you have 600 armor points, that you can afford to make a wrong turn. If you come around a corner unawares into the face of a Misery and another brawler Atlas, you're going to have a bad time. Let the lights run ahead and scout out enemy positions. You are the main fighting force of your team and a bullet sponge, but you are by no means a scout nor a skirmisher.
Know your role, and play your role.
Posted 08 October 2013 - 09:56 AM
It's not hard to annihilate stuff in an Atlas. The hard part is getting in range to do so. Having good/willing teammates is essential.
Posted 08 October 2013 - 10:12 AM
Posted 08 October 2013 - 10:17 AM
Posted 08 October 2013 - 10:55 AM
Posted 08 October 2013 - 11:29 AM
1. Go D-DC. ECM makes you quasi-invisible. People prefer to target someone they get a readout from. Snipers will try to favor your right torso, give them some swing when you can and if there's more than one Atlas move around a bit - they'll lose which one they're sniping and spread the damage around.
2. Std 325, AC20, 2LL and 3xSRM6+Artemis. Some people mix it up a bit but this right here? god-tier. It's a 74 point face-exploding alpha that absolutely *shines* at about 100m against heavies/assaults so all your SRMs register. You're not a sniper. You're a bomb that explodes in peoples faces.
3. Your ECM is love that you share with people you care about. It protects your teammates from LRMs and snipers identifying weak spots. It has a *significant* impact on the longevity of your team. Your team is probably suicidal and tactically challenged. The Atlas is the command vehicles, you need to watch for enemy LRMs and snipers and use your ECM bubble to protect allies who are targeted. It's awesome watching LRM rain open up on an ally and then you move up, give them an ECM snuggle and watch the sky go quiet while those LRM boats start to calculate what you're about to do to their KDR.
4. You're the Full Sized Version. You've got big hit locations but conversely they're ALL big. Swing baby, you gotta SWING. LLs at range but when you get close it's AC20+SRMS, swing left then right, back to center and BOOM! Then LL up what's left of their center. You just killed whatever mech it is with 2x AC20 and 6xSRM6 hits and 1 2xLL burn up the center (about 120 points in 4 seconds) while spreading their damage over 5 locations. Rinse and repeat until you get match over screen. You should be able to eat about 4 or 5 mediums, or 3 heavies or 2 other assaults without losing armor on any location completely. If this is not the case the problem is your approach, not the mech.
5. You're not a fighter you're a bomber. You don't dart in and out, you don't stick and move. You identify the target and you line up an attack run, lay the throttle down and carpet bomb them and anyone stupid enough not to run when you show up, towing your ECM-protected allies. It's more tactical - you're not going to stop and retreat. That's how Atlas pilots die stupidly. There are only 2 reasons to ever back up in an Atlas - you're stuck on terrain or you want to run over someones corpse again. You don't retreat, worse case scenario you push past and circle. A retreating Atlas is the first casualty in the destruction of your team.
Posted 08 October 2013 - 11:50 AM
Posted 08 October 2013 - 12:05 PM
MischiefSC, on 08 October 2013 - 11:29 AM, said:
1. Go D-DC. ECM makes you quasi-invisible. People prefer to target someone they get a readout from. Snipers will try to favor your right torso, give them some swing when you can and if there's more than one Atlas move around a bit - they'll lose which one they're sniping and spread the damage around.
2. Std 325, AC20, 2LL and 3xSRM6+Artemis. Some people mix it up a bit but this right here? god-tier. It's a 74 point face-exploding alpha that absolutely *shines* at about 100m against heavies/assaults so all your SRMs register. You're not a sniper. You're a bomb that explodes in peoples faces.
3. Your ECM is love that you share with people you care about. It protects your teammates from LRMs and snipers identifying weak spots. It has a *significant* impact on the longevity of your team. Your team is probably suicidal and tactically challenged. The Atlas is the command vehicles, you need to watch for enemy LRMs and snipers and use your ECM bubble to protect allies who are targeted. It's awesome watching LRM rain open up on an ally and then you move up, give them an ECM snuggle and watch the sky go quiet while those LRM boats start to calculate what you're about to do to their KDR.
4. You're the Full Sized Version. You've got big hit locations but conversely they're ALL big. Swing baby, you gotta SWING. LLs at range but when you get close it's AC20+SRMS, swing left then right, back to center and BOOM! Then LL up what's left of their center. You just killed whatever mech it is with 2x AC20 and 6xSRM6 hits and 1 2xLL burn up the center (about 120 points in 4 seconds) while spreading their damage over 5 locations. Rinse and repeat until you get match over screen. You should be able to eat about 4 or 5 mediums, or 3 heavies or 2 other assaults without losing armor on any location completely. If this is not the case the problem is your approach, not the mech.
5. You're not a fighter you're a bomber. You don't dart in and out, you don't stick and move. You identify the target and you line up an attack run, lay the throttle down and carpet bomb them and anyone stupid enough not to run when you show up, towing your ECM-protected allies. It's more tactical - you're not going to stop and retreat. That's how Atlas pilots die stupidly. There are only 2 reasons to ever back up in an Atlas - you're stuck on terrain or you want to run over someones corpse again. You don't retreat, worse case scenario you push past and circle. A retreating Atlas is the first casualty in the destruction of your team.
I see a D-DC, I don't worry about getting a paper doll. I focus fire into it's left torso, and tell my teammates to do likewise. Smart pilots (which do appear to be few) know that deny the enemy their ECM, and you just seriously hamstrung their ability to project force.
About the only thing that draws focus fire faster than a D-DC is a BoomCat/Jager, and that's because the risk/reward fragility to hurt nature of them demands their guns be silenced first. Then The D-Dcs go.
Posted 08 October 2013 - 12:20 PM
Bishop Steiner, on 08 October 2013 - 12:05 PM, said:
About the only thing that draws focus fire faster than a D-DC is a BoomCat/Jager, and that's because the risk/reward fragility to hurt nature of them demands their guns be silenced first. Then The D-Dcs go.
That's exactly correct. I hate to admit it but when I'm in my D-DC I find a boomjag to follow because I absolutely know that he'll draw fire away from me. You'd be surprised how often the guy trying to corner that boomjag will *turn his back to me* to shoot the boom jag. Just last night a QD was trying to get the kill on a wounded boomjag on my team and turns his back right in front of me. Opened up with 74 points of affection and blew through his rear torso at which point he *catapulted* forward off a ledge down into the water where his body face-planted and his little legs flopped up higher than his head.
Comedy gold.
Crimson Strait is ideal for Atlases. Lots of high cover and complicated visual stuff that if you are not pinging their radar provides a sort of visual camo for a still ECM atlas. I've been standing on top of the construction garage area, lining up a shot on someone down below and had 3 enemy mechs just walk *right past* me. I swear to god the first guy I opened up on just stood and turned to look at me like 'Hey, wha, wait, wut?' as I literally blew half his Hunchie away. Arm and torso in one salvo. I shot him again when he was just turning to run away and presented him with the opportunity to enjoy the rest of the match in spectator mode.
An Orion runs a lot like an Atlas but trading ECM and armor for size and speed. It's enjoyable but end of the day, nothing brings destruction like an Atlas. It's a rare game that I don't do 400 damage in my D-DC, even if I don't get any kills.
Posted 08 October 2013 - 12:21 PM

Posted 08 October 2013 - 12:25 PM
MischiefSC, on 08 October 2013 - 12:20 PM, said:
That's exactly correct. I hate to admit it but when I'm in my D-DC I find a boomjag to follow because I absolutely know that he'll draw fire away from me. You'd be surprised how often the guy trying to corner that boomjag will *turn his back to me* to shoot the boom jag. Just last night a QD was trying to get the kill on a wounded boomjag on my team and turns his back right in front of me. Opened up with 74 points of affection and blew through his rear torso at which point he *catapulted* forward off a ledge down into the water where his body face-planted and his little legs flopped up higher than his head.
Comedy gold.
Crimson Strait is ideal for Atlases. Lots of high cover and complicated visual stuff that if you are not pinging their radar provides a sort of visual camo for a still ECM atlas. I've been standing on top of the construction garage area, lining up a shot on someone down below and had 3 enemy mechs just walk *right past* me. I swear to god the first guy I opened up on just stood and turned to look at me like 'Hey, wha, wait, wut?' as I literally blew half his Hunchie away. Arm and torso in one salvo. I shot him again when he was just turning to run away and presented him with the opportunity to enjoy the rest of the match in spectator mode.
An Orion runs a lot like an Atlas but trading ECM and armor for size and speed. It's enjoyable but end of the day, nothing brings destruction like an Atlas. It's a rare game that I don't do 400 damage in my D-DC, even if I don't get any kills.
very true. And yeah, sometimes you hit the kill/terrain mix just right where you just want to stop and admire the poetry of their fall. Had a Cicada I boomed off a Crystal formation do a series of slow cartwheels down the talus slope last night. Took almost a full minute to hit the bottom. Just annoying to have the end of match screen obscuring my enjoyment of the show.
And yeah, used well, the Atlass is still the Aircraft Carrier of any good formation, the Stalkers should be the Battleships and your VTRs and BoomJager escorts acting as the destroyers. And then the rest should be acting as a screening force, flanking and drawing off faster stuff so the Atlas can focus on crushing the focal points of the enemy force.
When I drive an Atlas, I rarely get over 800, but like you say, if ya get under 400, you or your team probably did something VERY wrong.
Posted 08 October 2013 - 01:33 PM
ShadowbaneX, on 08 October 2013 - 12:21 PM, said:

Brings up a
Bishop Steiner, on 08 October 2013 - 12:25 PM, said:
And yeah, used well, the Atlass is still the Aircraft Carrier of any good formation, the Stalkers should be the Battleships and your VTRs and BoomJager escorts acting as the destroyers. And then the rest should be acting as a screening force, flanking and drawing off faster stuff so the Atlas can focus on crushing the focal points of the enemy force.
When I drive an Atlas, I rarely get over 800, but like you say, if ya get under 400, you or your team probably did something VERY wrong.
These bring up another good point to driving an Atlas vs other mechs -
Reading the play.
Another very different thing about the Atlas - it's alright to stand still sometimes. Get cover you can move behind but hold a position overseeing an enemy approach. Wait for your team to commit if they don't seem inclined to stick with you, then follow them. You'll see it in the setup. Either a couple of mediums and heavies will fall into your 'orbit', aware and eager for the ECM and firepower you provide, or they don't. If they do, take the lead and tank. They won't always stick with you but most generally will. If they seem oblivious to you and the ECM love you have to share, don't feel rejected. Hang back and watch.
Here's what you will generally see one of a couple of things:
1. A slow, spilling push as mechs on your side of different speeds move in on a perceived weak spot in the enemy lines. If you see this and there's 4 or more allies moving forward, set your course right through the center of your own people. Most of them will start to eat fire, stop and backup. That's alright - you're going to be the cover that intercedes for your teammates. Pick one enemy target, ideally a Phract or Jag or Assault and just lay fire on them. Your teammates, smelling opportunity for kills, will stop retreating and follow with you. Swing a lot because you're going to be tanking damage but conversely you'll generally see the enemy start to break at this point. So, let your allies lead the charge but when they stumble, make sure you're on target to reverse their fall.
2. Your team will trade fire through some choke point with the enemy. DON'T ENGAGE, stay back and out of sight. When you see some mostly dead targets on the other side roll on in, soak the hits and start nuking damaged enemies. Your team will see a rush of kill reports and push in to scavenge scraps of their own. If your team is on the receiving end of this stand your ground - your team will retreat and damaged but eager enemies will spill in, focused on your damaged allies. use this opportunity to face-hump them and finish what your team started.
3. Your team will go full ******, split up and scatter. In this case pick a couple of assaults or anything that looks like a premade and follow them. Use your ECM to shelter them as best as possible. If they seem to pick up on this and incorporate you into the team then go like above. If not, use them as meat-shields to weaken enemies, avoid shooting SRMs and AC in favor of sniping with LLs so the enemy, partially blinded by ECM to the death you're packing, will soak damage and focus on your meat-shields. When they do get close enough to see your full firepower it'll be too late. You can also pick a likely group of people clearly bent on suicidal rushes and stay way back from them. When they get hammered and start falling back kill-hungry enemies will chase them, running them to ground and end up unaware of you until it's too late.
If your team follows, lead fearlessly and expect to die but with 800 or 1,000 damage under your belt and having paved the way for a near-certain victory for your team.
If your team ignores you, follow likely groups at a distance and blend in while waiting in ambush for people focused on the easy kill of your more foolish teammates.
Atlases just make me so happy. I pilot a lot of mechs but when I get frustrated or otherwise tire of the game I can always go back to Facehumper, my D-DC. Slow, tactical, laden with cunning violent intent, she's always happy to see me.
Posted 08 October 2013 - 03:17 PM
I love my Atlases, and they love me

Posted 08 October 2013 - 03:38 PM
Doing great initially as Cataphracts, Atlases, and boom Jagers are pouring out from their side smacking them all with my AC20 SRM combo while they fall for my torso twisting bait.
Nope. Pair of AC/20's to my enlarged cockpit.
Posted 08 October 2013 - 03:45 PM
Posted 08 October 2013 - 03:57 PM
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