I started out with Hunchbacks, due to their history. A hard hitting urban combat specialist. After a few games it became apparent that it's armour was low and the side torsos would almost always get shot off before the arms suffered any damage. Clustered hardpoints often meant the bulk of your weapons were gone easily.
So I upped my tonnage to Orions. A nice balance of hardpoints spread across the mech, but that centre torso was an absolute magnet to damage. It didn't matter how much armour was put forward, I was cored in a game in seconds by an AC/20 (ie. I was hit once) and medium laser despite having 80+ armour. And it's slow speed meant that it was more than likely lunch for light mechs.
Next I tried Kintaros. Great survivability for a smaller mech, the arms would absorb a lot of damage before the torso. But my big issue was the hardpoint choices. I'm not a huge fan of missile systems and the limited energy points meant paying careful attention to arm or torso aiming
I know a lot of it is based on other players aiming for particular points of different mechs and that my own play-style and weapon choices can influence the decisions (Mediums shouldn't lead the charge etc.). But I would like to know what makes people choose one mech over another? Could you learn to love a bad mech if it treats you right?
Edited by Mookan, 11 October 2013 - 02:36 PM.