Sneak Peek: Shadow Hawk Phoenix Battlemech
Posted 16 October 2013 - 05:55 AM
Posted 17 October 2013 - 02:06 PM
GODzillaGSPB, on 12 October 2013 - 01:14 PM, said:
I easily get as cynical as that, as you can see in my posts. We are not in their shoes, we don't know whether there is a reason or not, we just speculate and we tend to be quite bitter, aren't we?
But then again...WHY don't they just tell us? Maybe they scale by volume. Maybe we're wrong. Maybe, maybe, maybe. And I even understand that they are not willing to make development as transparent as some kickstarter games are, because it was NOT a kickstarter, it was just a crowdfunding and they never promised a look into their cards.
But with so many topics, with so many posts...why don't they just answer this question? I don't see any company secret involved, how can this be so top secret, why are they holding back? They are just sitting this out as if it'd be impossible for them to rescale the mechs and I hardly believe that.
THAT is the most frustrating with the whole scaling situation, imho.
It's hard not to be cynical. I'm really upset about the mistakes made with the Shadowhawk, after shelling out plenty of $$$ - far more than I have for any other game in my life. I'm absolutely 100% bitter about it. This is my first time being upset with MWO. WHY ON EARTH create a 55-ton mech that is easy to hit (SHAQ size), and handles like a pregnant whale. I prefer they'd never introduced it.
I haven't read so many posts, so I don't know the whole history. I know PGI is doing some good stuff; the patch with the graphic changes was VERY welcome, with huge improvements and the end results is FANTASTIC, IMO (damage and deaths look good, now). Most of the posts I have read (in the few threads I followed) were very negative and, I think, unjust. It seems to me that most posted more about why the game doesn't please THEM and their play-style and cared little about the overall impact and game experience. I guess this would make the company limit their communication, I know I would, if these people were to attempt to hijack the conversation process. That may explain much of what is going on.
But I can't think of any other response from PGI, at this point, than: we made a mistake with the Shadow Hawk and will make it a priority to fix it:
- Size: No one can argue it's way too big. Everyone can agree to that, correct? An 'established' fact? If that's the case, fix this first as soon as possible.
- Maneuverability: I don't know about others, and I haven't taken the time to master it - and won't for a long while. I'll have to earn the game credits the hard way, to master another Mech, since the SH is unplayable for me. This defeats the whole purpose of the real-world $$$ I spent on the Phoenix project. Now it will take me much longer to master the Medium class. But without only the basic buffs, it handles like a pregnant whale. Why does a Medium mech handle like a Heavy? Why is this 55-ton mech be so slow and un-maneuverable?!?!?!? I would like input from other players, what do they think about the SH's maneuverability - do they also think it doesn't handle anywhere near as well as a centurion or a Hunchback?
If I'm correct, and others agree it handles poorly, I can only imagine that they did it so that the mech is 'balanced'. And I have to say: I completely disagree with all Mechs being balanced 100%. Ideally, each Mech should have something that they bring to the table, some role they play better than others, SURE. But not all cars are made equal, and as far as I'm concerned, mechs shouldn't be 100% balanced, either. There have always been models that have hit a 'sweet spot', and defined an archetype in MW. I have no problem at all seeing mechs that are little utilized, particularly if the price to make all Mechs equally used is to F*** others that are inherently well-designed. I consider part of the fun of MW is finding the strengths and weaknesses of particular Mechs, and choosing/using them properly. I don't mind seeing that 90% of the mechs in seen in battle represent 40% (or even less) of the available mechs.
Some game balance issues are unintended, I can definitely forgive that. I also don't mind that many balance issues may take many iterations to find the correct balance, and that not everyone will agree to what is best (just look at our Congress). But I can't understand what has been done to the SH.
Edited by Shadow 1, 17 October 2013 - 02:07 PM.
Posted 17 October 2013 - 05:31 PM
Posted 18 October 2013 - 02:34 AM
MoonUnitBeta, on 17 October 2013 - 05:31 PM, said:
The Shadow Hawk is still a bit taller and the exact same tick from the side and the back as the Jager mech.
just saying
its an other issue that it wont die that easily. It may have some secret shild like the spider we just dont complain about it.
The Orion have one invincible spot in the middle too...
Posted 18 October 2013 - 04:44 AM
When i came into the Screen i did not realize it was me so freaking TALL it is...WOW!
Posted 18 October 2013 - 06:09 AM
But in that effort, 'realistic' doesn't apply to several ton war machines that are made up in the fictional Suspense of Disbelief Battle Tech.
Plus we are obviously shooting at things, that are segmented by armor locations from TT, with the inclusion of actual TT damage values, in a pin-point aim MW FPS where size and placement of hitboxes 100% correlates with balancing issues.
A catapult was small or a Flea was super tiny, for instance, in MW4, but I didn't care if it didn't seem "realistic" that some dude couldn't fit inside the cockpit, because its not real regardless - there are other ways to add 'simulation-pretending' aspects.
Posted 18 October 2013 - 09:32 AM
Edited by Vassago Rain, 18 October 2013 - 09:33 AM.
Posted 21 October 2013 - 03:45 PM
I don't think it's size matters in the slightest, because if you're hiding behind something, then you hide where you can't be seen, you can pop out and shoot quickly enough.
The crying about it's size is just ignoring the fact that it's one of the top (maybe THE top) mediums in the game. I see a lot of people using them, and doing well in them, so I think the complaints are ignoring the fact that the mech just works well.
The mech is tall, but it's pretty skinny,.
Edited by verybad, 21 October 2013 - 03:46 PM.
Posted 23 October 2013 - 05:17 PM
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