So I did a small analysis of current mech silhouette sizes.
I used this picture as a source:

And then I counted the number of pixels of each mech to determine the size of a surface area.

Pretty interesting results. This does not include side profiles, but the size of a mech from the front is usually the most relevant.
Fixing mechs to scale linearly with tonnage wouldn't be realistic, but it would be more "balanced", and it would require following changes:
The scale of light mechs is totally off. Centurion is the worst offender among mediums. Kintaro is slightly oversized, but suprisingly not as much as people believe. Stalker is too small for an assault mech.
Upscale Spider, Jenner and Raven models by 50%.
Upscale Stalker by 15%.
Downscale Centurion by 20%
Downscale Trebuchet, Dragon, Quickdraw by 15%
Downscale Catapult, Awesome and Kintaro by 10%.
Catapult, Awesome and Kintaro could use a 10% reduction, but it wouldn't make much difference for the amount of effort involved. Awesome would benefit more from a simple hitbox reorganization than from 10% downscale.
The alternative to making lights larger is to downscale Commando by 30-40%. That would keep the lights balanced between each other...but they would still be too small for their tonnage. Keeping lights artificially smaller would probably warrant a flat 15% size redution of all medium mechs on top of the above listed changes and a flat 10% size reduction of all heavies.