I am sick of having troll pugs split up my 4-man group. I've seen this happen repeatedly by a few morons intentionally being *****.

Remove The Company Command From Pug Drops
Started by Sir Trent Howell, Oct 18 2013 08:04 AM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 18 October 2013 - 08:04 AM
Posted 18 October 2013 - 08:12 AM
Hopefully they'll graduate to a lance system similar to the squad system in BF.
4mans start out as lances and lone wolves start out as lone wolves... lone wolves can join lances, and be invited to lances- but not manipulated by anyone else.
(I suspect- and hope, that the current system is a placeholder.)
4mans start out as lances and lone wolves start out as lone wolves... lone wolves can join lances, and be invited to lances- but not manipulated by anyone else.
(I suspect- and hope, that the current system is a placeholder.)
Posted 18 October 2013 - 08:20 AM
Sir Trent Howell, on 18 October 2013 - 08:04 AM, said:
I am sick of having troll pugs split up my 4-man group. I've seen this happen repeatedly by a few morons intentionally being *****.
You're acting as if you were moved to the other team.
I mean know how easy it already is to tell the difference between aqua and blue for the lance colors. It must have been so hard to stay together but at least you made it out alive to tell your story.
Edited by Shockwave144, 18 October 2013 - 08:22 AM.
Posted 18 October 2013 - 08:35 AM
Just lock premades together and put an option to be moved during the ready room.
It is annoying to be moved out of your premade especially if it is a full lance.
When playing as lance commander, I find it preferable to glance at teal-colored lance triangles on the battlegrid.
It is a very quick verification that your lance is in position (or out of).
And in some cases you can see them doing the rotation of death because they forgot to target an enemy spider circle****ing them.
It is annoying to be moved out of your premade especially if it is a full lance.
When playing as lance commander, I find it preferable to glance at teal-colored lance triangles on the battlegrid.
It is a very quick verification that your lance is in position (or out of).
And in some cases you can see them doing the rotation of death because they forgot to target an enemy spider circle****ing them.
Edited by Cyberassassin, 18 October 2013 - 08:38 AM.
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