The whole purpose behind the gauss delay was to disassociate it from the very effective PPC+Gauss combo.
Why was Gauss the focus for penalty though? It's nothing more than a metallic slug fired at high velocities.
Alternatively, I would have liked to see something more creative done surrounding the use of PPCs (because now, people use AC10 combo which is still somewhat effective).
The PPC is a bolt of man made lightning. I'd like to see it have some sort of arbitrary effect against any nearby objects. After all, it's the energy that does it's damage to mechs. Any projectile flying in sync with a PPC bolt should be damaged by the energy of the PPC and in turn the PPC loses energy as it's electricity attacks the projectile..... I'd say same with missiles (though uncommon).

[Idea] Alternative To Gauss Charge
Started by CDLord HHGD, Oct 18 2013 10:45 AM
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