We are glad to introduce the third edition of the Community Contributor Awards.
The purpose of these awards are to recognize and validate those players who have provided upstanding communication or helpful feedback within the forums, and to encourage an overall more constructive environment.
The authors of each of the selected posts will receive 5 days of Premium Time.
Nominations and selections are performed by Forum Staff based on individual posts.
Goose Igaly has joined a mentorship trend we have noticed with their post: New Pilot Training Services
Goose Igaly, on 16 October 2013 - 12:27 PM, said:
In the interest of promoting good play and reducing frustrations as newer pilots learn the game, I am offering training services to newer pilots. These training services are intended to ease the learning curve of the game while giving you a friendly environment to play in. I will answer questions regarding mechs, tactics, loadouts, new pilot pitfalls, etc.
This is not intended to be a hand-holding service; instead I want to give you support in matches. Too often players get torn up because they end up by themselves against half the enemy team. Others of my Unit may be willing to join in this effort; this will depend on what other members of my Unit (Team Cortez Merc Corps) are online when training is underway.
I am positioned in the US, EST. Normal playing hours are most afternoons from 1900-2300. If interested in grouping up for a friendly learning environment you may reply here or, more preferable for rapid reply, add me to your friends list in the game client. Pilot Name: Goose Igaly
Also, as a side note, if newer players are looking for a Unit to join and play with long term, you can find Team Cortez Merc Corps' recruitment thread here: http://mwomercs.com/...37#entry2808737
Happy Hunting.
This is not intended to be a hand-holding service; instead I want to give you support in matches. Too often players get torn up because they end up by themselves against half the enemy team. Others of my Unit may be willing to join in this effort; this will depend on what other members of my Unit (Team Cortez Merc Corps) are online when training is underway.
I am positioned in the US, EST. Normal playing hours are most afternoons from 1900-2300. If interested in grouping up for a friendly learning environment you may reply here or, more preferable for rapid reply, add me to your friends list in the game client. Pilot Name: Goose Igaly
Also, as a side note, if newer players are looking for a Unit to join and play with long term, you can find Team Cortez Merc Corps' recruitment thread here: http://mwomercs.com/...37#entry2808737
Happy Hunting.
Agryfvar for their thread discussing the capacities of different classes in: Mech Role by Weight Class
Agryfvar, on 10 October 2013 - 10:51 PM, said:
Greetings MechWarriors,
I am known here as Agryfvar, don't worry about that you will likely forget it a few moments.
I've been fighting here a while and I just wanted to share my observations and the way I approach combat based on a Mech's classification. I know there are likely a dozen or more of these guides out here and this is more a general overview for those who are wanting to pick which weight class is most interesting to them. Granted there are ways to change your mech's role on the battlefield but again this is the general behaviour of a battlemech.
A few words about what I mean in my following notes.
The primary directive is what your weight class does best. This is what you should start doing the moment your mech powers up.
The secondary directive is what you can do while achieving your primary directive without harming your chances to achieve your primary directive. Feel free to do other things with your mech.
Easy Targets.
These are targets that you will, in general, have more advantages then disadvantages over when attacking. They are by no means 'easy' to kill but they are easier to handle.
Neutral targets.
These targets you are, in general, fighting against without any major advantages or disadvantages. They can still kill you and in some situations will have more advantages then you but with practise you can compensate for.
Hard targets.
These targets hold more advantages then you will and attacking them has to be done properly or you will get your mechs' metal rear handed to you very quickly.
These are again generalizations based solely on my observations of weight class. There are so many possible chassis and load out combinations it would be a far longer guide and beyond the scope of what I intent to do here. To go into the general advantages of each cassis and each variant and each common customer load out, so on and so forth is not feasible here.
On with the observations.
Primary directive, Attack.
- You are the tip of the spear. You are going to take a lot of hits but you have the armour to take it and the weapons to deal death right back at the enemy. Assaults are slow so you have to have your plan of attack before you even drop. If you don't know where you are going you will get cut off and destroyed.
Secondary directive, Fire support.
- You have big guns and lots of them, use them to hit your enemy from afar. You are not fast but missiles, lasers and cannon rounds are. Let them do the hard work of reaching your enemy. Your allies can spot for you so let them and bring the rain upon your foes.
Easy targets, Heavy mechs.
- Heavy mechs carry less firepower and armour then you do and do not possess the maneuverability to escape your firepower easily.
Neutral target, Medium mechs.
- They have far less firepower and armour but that much more maneuverability, you can still hit them and with a few good shots take them down.
Hard targets, Assault, Light mechs.
- Assaults; you are fighting on even terms, which is a bad place to start. It will be the MechWarrior who knows and manages their mech better who will win.
- Lights; These buggers are fast, small and hard to hit. Baring any allies, your only hope is to have your arms unlocked and try to get some good hits on them as they go by in a blur. They don't have much firepower but they can hit you where it hurts most, your back, and they likely can outmaneuver you and stay behind you if the pilot is good. And that little 'reverse your turn' trick will work on some but if the light pilot is watching you and not just running in circles they will stop circling and get a few extra shots on your rear armour.
Heavy Mechs.
Primary Directive, Flank attack.
- You have firepower and mobility so use it. Get to the sides of your enemy and focus your fire. Surprise and cunning are your best allies here. Keep your enemy in your fire arcs and stay out of theirs as best you can.
Secondary Directive, Mop up.
- Any enemy that has disengaged from your allies or managed to evade them is still dangerous lock on, find their damaged areas and make them curse you from the sidelines.
Easy targets, Medium mechs.
- They are lighter and carry less firepower then you and likely cannot escape you. The weight of your attack will bring them down in short order if you are accurate.
Neutral Targets, heavy mechs.
- You are hitting on even terms but you can win if you can put other advantages in your favour.
Hard Targets, Assault, light mechs.
- Assaults; hit harder and carry more armor then you, they are all around hard to take down and if you do your mech will pay for the victory with its own durability making you an easy target for the next guy to come along.
- Lights; You may move better then an assault but if the light pilot is crafty they can still stay behind you and rip away your armour and kill you in short order. These guys cannot be ignored or it will be a light that kills you.
Medium mechs.
Primary Directive, Cover Fire.
- You may not have a lot of weapons but you have enough to give any flankers something else to think about other then their primary target. When battle lines merge you will be the one to keep enemy mechs off your allies backs.
Secondary Directive, Light mech hunter.
- Your prey are the light mechs running around, find them and make them pay for trying to recon your team, set an ambush or cap a point.
Easy Targets, Light mechs.
- For once you have the firepower to deal with a light mech and the maneuverability to keep up with them in the short term. Keep focused and you will burn away their armour and leave them a smoking pile of salvage.
Neutral Targets, Medium mechs.
- Any even fight is not one you want a part of. Fighting on even terms places more effort on you and you must make your shots count as you won't get many of them.
- Hard Targets, Assault, Heavy mechs.
- Both these classes hit harder then you and carry more armour. If you are not careful they will send you to the ground easily.
Light mechs.
Primary Directive, Recon.
- Speed is your armour, move, keep moving and only stop when you are firmly latched onto someone's behind and don't stop firing. You are also the first to detect the enemy. Spot for your allies and stay alive. Maneuver because your life depends on it. You do have armour but that is only there to stop you from being oneshot'ed by the enemy the moment someone gets a bead on you and fires.
Secondary Directive, Harassment.
- Not the illegal kind but make the enemy worry more about you then your allies. Most mechs have difficulty dealing with light mechs and so fear them more then they will care to admit. If you pop up at the right time and confuse the enemy your allies just may get to take down needed to win. If the enemy does not take your presence seriously you just might walk away with a kill or two.
Easy targets, Assault mechs.
- You have the speed and special extras to make it past their guns and behind them. Watch their reactions to your presence and if they don't, bonus.
Neutral Targets, Heavy, Light mechs.
- Once again we find ourselves on even terms with the lights and just maneuverable enough to escape a heavy.
Hard Targets, Medium mechs.
- These guys will kill you. They will hunt for you and make sure you do not have a leg to stand on.
I hope this helps.
I am known here as Agryfvar, don't worry about that you will likely forget it a few moments.
I've been fighting here a while and I just wanted to share my observations and the way I approach combat based on a Mech's classification. I know there are likely a dozen or more of these guides out here and this is more a general overview for those who are wanting to pick which weight class is most interesting to them. Granted there are ways to change your mech's role on the battlefield but again this is the general behaviour of a battlemech.
A few words about what I mean in my following notes.
The primary directive is what your weight class does best. This is what you should start doing the moment your mech powers up.
The secondary directive is what you can do while achieving your primary directive without harming your chances to achieve your primary directive. Feel free to do other things with your mech.
Easy Targets.
These are targets that you will, in general, have more advantages then disadvantages over when attacking. They are by no means 'easy' to kill but they are easier to handle.
Neutral targets.
These targets you are, in general, fighting against without any major advantages or disadvantages. They can still kill you and in some situations will have more advantages then you but with practise you can compensate for.
Hard targets.
These targets hold more advantages then you will and attacking them has to be done properly or you will get your mechs' metal rear handed to you very quickly.
These are again generalizations based solely on my observations of weight class. There are so many possible chassis and load out combinations it would be a far longer guide and beyond the scope of what I intent to do here. To go into the general advantages of each cassis and each variant and each common customer load out, so on and so forth is not feasible here.
On with the observations.
Primary directive, Attack.
- You are the tip of the spear. You are going to take a lot of hits but you have the armour to take it and the weapons to deal death right back at the enemy. Assaults are slow so you have to have your plan of attack before you even drop. If you don't know where you are going you will get cut off and destroyed.
Secondary directive, Fire support.
- You have big guns and lots of them, use them to hit your enemy from afar. You are not fast but missiles, lasers and cannon rounds are. Let them do the hard work of reaching your enemy. Your allies can spot for you so let them and bring the rain upon your foes.
Easy targets, Heavy mechs.
- Heavy mechs carry less firepower and armour then you do and do not possess the maneuverability to escape your firepower easily.
Neutral target, Medium mechs.
- They have far less firepower and armour but that much more maneuverability, you can still hit them and with a few good shots take them down.
Hard targets, Assault, Light mechs.
- Assaults; you are fighting on even terms, which is a bad place to start. It will be the MechWarrior who knows and manages their mech better who will win.
- Lights; These buggers are fast, small and hard to hit. Baring any allies, your only hope is to have your arms unlocked and try to get some good hits on them as they go by in a blur. They don't have much firepower but they can hit you where it hurts most, your back, and they likely can outmaneuver you and stay behind you if the pilot is good. And that little 'reverse your turn' trick will work on some but if the light pilot is watching you and not just running in circles they will stop circling and get a few extra shots on your rear armour.
Heavy Mechs.
Primary Directive, Flank attack.
- You have firepower and mobility so use it. Get to the sides of your enemy and focus your fire. Surprise and cunning are your best allies here. Keep your enemy in your fire arcs and stay out of theirs as best you can.
Secondary Directive, Mop up.
- Any enemy that has disengaged from your allies or managed to evade them is still dangerous lock on, find their damaged areas and make them curse you from the sidelines.
Easy targets, Medium mechs.
- They are lighter and carry less firepower then you and likely cannot escape you. The weight of your attack will bring them down in short order if you are accurate.
Neutral Targets, heavy mechs.
- You are hitting on even terms but you can win if you can put other advantages in your favour.
Hard Targets, Assault, light mechs.
- Assaults; hit harder and carry more armor then you, they are all around hard to take down and if you do your mech will pay for the victory with its own durability making you an easy target for the next guy to come along.
- Lights; You may move better then an assault but if the light pilot is crafty they can still stay behind you and rip away your armour and kill you in short order. These guys cannot be ignored or it will be a light that kills you.
Medium mechs.
Primary Directive, Cover Fire.
- You may not have a lot of weapons but you have enough to give any flankers something else to think about other then their primary target. When battle lines merge you will be the one to keep enemy mechs off your allies backs.
Secondary Directive, Light mech hunter.
- Your prey are the light mechs running around, find them and make them pay for trying to recon your team, set an ambush or cap a point.
Easy Targets, Light mechs.
- For once you have the firepower to deal with a light mech and the maneuverability to keep up with them in the short term. Keep focused and you will burn away their armour and leave them a smoking pile of salvage.
Neutral Targets, Medium mechs.
- Any even fight is not one you want a part of. Fighting on even terms places more effort on you and you must make your shots count as you won't get many of them.
- Hard Targets, Assault, Heavy mechs.
- Both these classes hit harder then you and carry more armour. If you are not careful they will send you to the ground easily.
Light mechs.
Primary Directive, Recon.
- Speed is your armour, move, keep moving and only stop when you are firmly latched onto someone's behind and don't stop firing. You are also the first to detect the enemy. Spot for your allies and stay alive. Maneuver because your life depends on it. You do have armour but that is only there to stop you from being oneshot'ed by the enemy the moment someone gets a bead on you and fires.
Secondary Directive, Harassment.
- Not the illegal kind but make the enemy worry more about you then your allies. Most mechs have difficulty dealing with light mechs and so fear them more then they will care to admit. If you pop up at the right time and confuse the enemy your allies just may get to take down needed to win. If the enemy does not take your presence seriously you just might walk away with a kill or two.
Easy targets, Assault mechs.
- You have the speed and special extras to make it past their guns and behind them. Watch their reactions to your presence and if they don't, bonus.
Neutral Targets, Heavy, Light mechs.
- Once again we find ourselves on even terms with the lights and just maneuverable enough to escape a heavy.
Hard Targets, Medium mechs.
- These guys will kill you. They will hunt for you and make sure you do not have a leg to stand on.
I hope this helps.
Janitor101 for their character and organization of the epic role-play: The Chronicles of Vega's Havoks.
Janitor101, on 26 February 2013 - 04:20 PM, said:
Episode 1 - Prologue / The Kharkandan Civil War
A week of brutal and costly fighting has bought the fledgling Kharkandan Independance Movement much needed momentum. Combined with the defection of two entire lances of Battlemechs from the Loyalist Triumvir Guard, and additional offworld mercenaries, the Loyalists have been hard pressed to stand their ground.
The newly formed Kharkandan Armed Forces, under the command of Duke Osric, have made pushes toward the capitol city of Jarrund. However Lord General Cedric Godwin’s last ditch defenses have stalled the last three assaults which have cost several thousand lives.
Osric’s response to Cedric’s counter attack is a modification of the ancient and classic Pincer Movement.
Should Osric’s daring attempt of the classic double envelopment succeed, Cedric’s troops will be pinned between the front lines of Osric’s stalled assault, and the assaulting pincer.
This would leave Jarrund City vulnerable to direct attack, and would end the rule of Leofric the Cruel.
Forward Operating Base Ballista, foothills of the Grand Khadaar Mountains.
Kharkandan Armed Forces, Triumvir Guard, 2nd Company, ‘Woolrich’s Huntsmen’
02:00 Hours.
The furious bustle of activity inside FOB Ballista is just short of deafening, even inside your private quarters as you prepare for your Company briefing.
You suit up, collect your Neurohelmet along with your personal items, good luck charms and handgun. Along the way to the briefing you bump into your fellow lancemates, as well as other members of Woolrich’s Huntsmen on their way to the briefing. Not much is said for the most part, it is very early, and the ambient sound level is quite high from the roaring of vehicle engines and shouted orders.
You and your fellows file into a cramped pre-fabricated building that was probably built back when the Star League was at the height of its power.
Major Adolphus Woolrich is already inside, standing behind a well used and throughly abused wooden podium. The Major waits patiently while everyone finds a seat, once the assembled MechWarriors are seated, Major Woolrich speaks.
“Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Our objective today is Jarrund City and the Marble Palace.”
Woolrich is interrupted by the intake of breath, whistles or gasps. He shrugs it off and continues.
“Duke Osric has outlined the plan for the final push to Jarrund, the entirety of General Anders 2nd Devision is being committed for this push into Lord General Godwin’s underbelly.”
Major Woolrich shuffles a few papers in his stack and nods to an aid standing at the back of the room who is manning an old style projector.
The large and previously unused back wall behind Woolrich is transformed into a satellite image of the of the Grand Khadaar Mountains and the landscape surrounding it. A moment later a modified version appears with colorized markers depicting allied locations, enemy positions, planned attack routes, and at the center is a white dot with the words “Jarrund City” above it.
Woolrich takes his walking stick and taps the end of it against a green dot just at the northern end of the planned assault route, and green lettering is added, plainly stating “Deployment Zone”.
“This is our assigned zone, just beyond this point we may begin encountering Loyalist emplacements.” Woolrich shifts where the end of his walking stick touches the wall slightly to the west of the deployment zone and a number of red question marks appear.
“We don’t know the exact composition or location of enemy troops because no reconnaissance has been done. This is to completely ensure the completeness of the surprise attack.” Woolrich states, some of the assembled MechWarriors shoot each other dubious glances.
Woolrich continues. “Our Company’s objective is to penetrate the northern end of the Loyalist’s defensive line and directly assault Jarrund City. We have been given a privilege in this assignment, and I expect each and every one of you to perform your duties to the best of your abilities. Dismissed, reassemble at your Battlemechs and prepare to move out.” Woolrich finishes with a semi dramatic flair, which is lost, or ignored by the MechWarriors as they head for their 'Mechs.
Same rules are as stated on the sign up are in effect. In addition to:
No Godmode. (Taking on hordes without a scratch, obvious, but worth stating anyways)
Don’t control other player’s characters without expressed written permission.
Don’t invent enemies to fight, I’ll give you pretty detailed information on what you’re fighting.
You still must have fun.
Player List (Sign ups are still open, however the chance to vote for a faction to support has passed)
Janitor101 - Antonio Vega*: Light, Wolfhound WLF-HVK (Lance Commander)
cmopatrick - Sean Flynn*: Light, Mongoose MON-67 *MECH DESTROYED, SUCCESSFUL EJECTION*
dal10 - Andrei Averin*: Assault, Charger CGR-1A1
Sparks Murphy - Nathan Chippilo*: Medium, Dervish DV-6M
Spokes - Li-Hua Taishu*: Medium, Scorpion SCP-1N
Thom Frankfurt - William 'Billy' Ribbions*: Medium, Wolverine WVR-BB
guardian wolf - William Wolford*: Medium, Shadow Hawk SHD-2K
Alan Wagner - Alan Wagner*: Medium, Centurion CN9-A2 *ENGINE FAILURE, LEFT WITH TECH CREWS*
The Shepherd - James Campbell*: Light, Raven RVN-3L
NOTE: Due to my catching the cold/flu/whatever, this is going to start off a little slow, please bear with me. My brain feels like it got transplanted into a shakeweight.
You are free to explore, or wander inside FOB Ballista, or you can go straight to your Mechs, this is some open time for some discussion, or for you all to have characters talk about how quickly the campaign has progressed. (Due to the compact settled area on Kharkand, everything is very close together. You are allowed leeway in inventing skirmishes, towns and battles if you so choose, the no godmode rule applies though.)
A week of brutal and costly fighting has bought the fledgling Kharkandan Independance Movement much needed momentum. Combined with the defection of two entire lances of Battlemechs from the Loyalist Triumvir Guard, and additional offworld mercenaries, the Loyalists have been hard pressed to stand their ground.
The newly formed Kharkandan Armed Forces, under the command of Duke Osric, have made pushes toward the capitol city of Jarrund. However Lord General Cedric Godwin’s last ditch defenses have stalled the last three assaults which have cost several thousand lives.
Osric’s response to Cedric’s counter attack is a modification of the ancient and classic Pincer Movement.
Should Osric’s daring attempt of the classic double envelopment succeed, Cedric’s troops will be pinned between the front lines of Osric’s stalled assault, and the assaulting pincer.
This would leave Jarrund City vulnerable to direct attack, and would end the rule of Leofric the Cruel.
Forward Operating Base Ballista, foothills of the Grand Khadaar Mountains.
Kharkandan Armed Forces, Triumvir Guard, 2nd Company, ‘Woolrich’s Huntsmen’
02:00 Hours.
The furious bustle of activity inside FOB Ballista is just short of deafening, even inside your private quarters as you prepare for your Company briefing.
You suit up, collect your Neurohelmet along with your personal items, good luck charms and handgun. Along the way to the briefing you bump into your fellow lancemates, as well as other members of Woolrich’s Huntsmen on their way to the briefing. Not much is said for the most part, it is very early, and the ambient sound level is quite high from the roaring of vehicle engines and shouted orders.
You and your fellows file into a cramped pre-fabricated building that was probably built back when the Star League was at the height of its power.
Major Adolphus Woolrich is already inside, standing behind a well used and throughly abused wooden podium. The Major waits patiently while everyone finds a seat, once the assembled MechWarriors are seated, Major Woolrich speaks.
“Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Our objective today is Jarrund City and the Marble Palace.”
Woolrich is interrupted by the intake of breath, whistles or gasps. He shrugs it off and continues.
“Duke Osric has outlined the plan for the final push to Jarrund, the entirety of General Anders 2nd Devision is being committed for this push into Lord General Godwin’s underbelly.”
Major Woolrich shuffles a few papers in his stack and nods to an aid standing at the back of the room who is manning an old style projector.
The large and previously unused back wall behind Woolrich is transformed into a satellite image of the of the Grand Khadaar Mountains and the landscape surrounding it. A moment later a modified version appears with colorized markers depicting allied locations, enemy positions, planned attack routes, and at the center is a white dot with the words “Jarrund City” above it.
Woolrich takes his walking stick and taps the end of it against a green dot just at the northern end of the planned assault route, and green lettering is added, plainly stating “Deployment Zone”.
“This is our assigned zone, just beyond this point we may begin encountering Loyalist emplacements.” Woolrich shifts where the end of his walking stick touches the wall slightly to the west of the deployment zone and a number of red question marks appear.
“We don’t know the exact composition or location of enemy troops because no reconnaissance has been done. This is to completely ensure the completeness of the surprise attack.” Woolrich states, some of the assembled MechWarriors shoot each other dubious glances.
Woolrich continues. “Our Company’s objective is to penetrate the northern end of the Loyalist’s defensive line and directly assault Jarrund City. We have been given a privilege in this assignment, and I expect each and every one of you to perform your duties to the best of your abilities. Dismissed, reassemble at your Battlemechs and prepare to move out.” Woolrich finishes with a semi dramatic flair, which is lost, or ignored by the MechWarriors as they head for their 'Mechs.
Same rules are as stated on the sign up are in effect. In addition to:
No Godmode. (Taking on hordes without a scratch, obvious, but worth stating anyways)
Don’t control other player’s characters without expressed written permission.
Don’t invent enemies to fight, I’ll give you pretty detailed information on what you’re fighting.
You still must have fun.
Player List (Sign ups are still open, however the chance to vote for a faction to support has passed)
Janitor101 - Antonio Vega*: Light, Wolfhound WLF-HVK (Lance Commander)
cmopatrick - Sean Flynn*: Light, Mongoose MON-67 *MECH DESTROYED, SUCCESSFUL EJECTION*
dal10 - Andrei Averin*: Assault, Charger CGR-1A1
Sparks Murphy - Nathan Chippilo*: Medium, Dervish DV-6M
Spokes - Li-Hua Taishu*: Medium, Scorpion SCP-1N
Thom Frankfurt - William 'Billy' Ribbions*: Medium, Wolverine WVR-BB
guardian wolf - William Wolford*: Medium, Shadow Hawk SHD-2K
Alan Wagner - Alan Wagner*: Medium, Centurion CN9-A2 *ENGINE FAILURE, LEFT WITH TECH CREWS*
The Shepherd - James Campbell*: Light, Raven RVN-3L
NOTE: Due to my catching the cold/flu/whatever, this is going to start off a little slow, please bear with me. My brain feels like it got transplanted into a shakeweight.
You are free to explore, or wander inside FOB Ballista, or you can go straight to your Mechs, this is some open time for some discussion, or for you all to have characters talk about how quickly the campaign has progressed. (Due to the compact settled area on Kharkand, everything is very close together. You are allowed leeway in inventing skirmishes, towns and battles if you so choose, the no godmode rule applies though.)
MischiefSC got the right idea in our (re-)introduction of: The Community Contributor Awards Part Deux.
MischiefSC, on 09 October 2013 - 05:47 PM, said:
Due props to both the winners and PGI. A little recognition goes a long way and a lot of people are powered by props. Just knowing that they might get recognition for it is enough to make some people put a bit more effort into what they contribute on the forums. That's good all the way around.
My sincere thanks to PGI for the push to communicate in October, it does a lot for the environment. When people are passionate about something they need to feel like they're bouncing that energy off someone/something, that if they vent for good or ill someone is listening or they (we) get fussy. Mostly though I think people want to be positive and hopeful about stuff. The forums have been a lot better this last week because of the bump in communication and I think we're all grateful for that.
Due props all around.
My sincere thanks to PGI for the push to communicate in October, it does a lot for the environment. When people are passionate about something they need to feel like they're bouncing that energy off someone/something, that if they vent for good or ill someone is listening or they (we) get fussy. Mostly though I think people want to be positive and hopeful about stuff. The forums have been a lot better this last week because of the bump in communication and I think we're all grateful for that.
Due props all around.
Koniving has provided a continuous attention to detail in any discussion, notably their reply in: Need Some Advice.
Koniving, on 12 October 2013 - 03:20 PM, said:
Large lasers and PPCs are both good for this. Autocannons in general can also provide this. LRMs and streaks are also suitable. LRMs for ranged support, streaks to help deal with the 'twitch CQB' situations by utilizing a locked weapon that never misses.
As far as mechs go:
Within a reasonably affordable range for a new player, we have:
You can buy any mech outright. But then you can build 'skills' with the mech through experience. These increase turning radius of the torso, how fast the parts can move, reduce how long it takes to shut down or boot up, etc. You can unlock the basic skills with just one Catapult. But to "truly know" the machine, you need to have two additional variants to get the elite (most useful) traits.

As far as mechs go:
Within a reasonably affordable range for a new player, we have:
- The Hunchback line; cheapest and easiest route to go for the uncertain player.
- Catapults -- a bit pricier, versatile, capable mechs. Unlike most, however, I recommend the C1 first. It's just as easy to slap the same PPCs in it (minus the arm-aim ability) but just as easily you can run LRMs, Streaks, SRMs, as well as be able to jump. The Catapult K2 can't do missiles or jump.
- Cataphract. A bit pricier than your average catapult. These mechs are made by Liao for general combat. Two versions, the 4x and the 3D, are captured models re-outfitted by the Davions, and capitalize on fire support and dynamic support roles. Their mid-body arms prove to be a problem with hills, however. This problem doesn't exist with flat terrain.
- Jagermech. Typically about the same cost if a little lower than the Cataphract line, these guys have high-mounted cannon weapons.
- Kintaro. It can fight on its own or with the support of others. These have actually been making very good anti-light and anti-medium mechs when walking in tow of an Atlas or other assault mech.
Jager support in cramped spaces.
Jager support in open spaces.
An assault mech being supported by mediums. One of which is a Hunch. (At the time these were two new players). My mech is stock.
Same assault mech, supported by the same two mediums -- no longer stock. Hunchbacks. Players no longer new. A few weeks later.
Stock Cataphract 4X
Old vid. Used to show that even the slowest Cataphract with a 4 ton engine can still do good.
Jager support in cramped spaces.
Jager support in open spaces.
An assault mech being supported by mediums. One of which is a Hunch. (At the time these were two new players). My mech is stock.
Same assault mech, supported by the same two mediums -- no longer stock. Hunchbacks. Players no longer new. A few weeks later.
Stock Cataphract 4X
Old vid. Used to show that even the slowest Cataphract with a 4 ton engine can still do good.
You can buy any mech outright. But then you can build 'skills' with the mech through experience. These increase turning radius of the torso, how fast the parts can move, reduce how long it takes to shut down or boot up, etc. You can unlock the basic skills with just one Catapult. But to "truly know" the machine, you need to have two additional variants to get the elite (most useful) traits.
