Explain the BENEFIT of the mechbay requirement to the game. Not to PGI, but to the game itself. Every other way they can make money is also beneficial to the game (or at least neutral for the cosmetics), giving players options if they want them but not punishing players if they don't, while mechbays are detrimental. How does arbitrarily changing the number make a difference to the underlying problems the system introduces?
For those of you who point to money, I repeat that there are many many many other systems in place that are both more profitable and, again, non-detrimental to the game and to player retention. The mechbay system is the equivalent of nickel and diming people who are already buying a car from you - it won't make them buy something they weren't already going to buy, but it could make them walk out in disgust at your penny pinching.
It is not a significant source of revenue compared to anything else in the game, and it is the only source of revenue that is proven to cause people to leave without spending any money (every single person I have shown the game to has left over this without spending a dime). No one left because they
could pay for mechs if they want to. No one left because they
could pay for paint if they wanted to. But plenty of people have left because they signed up for a free-to-play game only to discover that they were only able to play a very small part of it. As with any free to play game, the revenue comes from large purchases by "whales" (in this case the people who bought $500 gold clan mechs, bought every mech pack, all the paint, etc.), where the rest of the player base exists to play against these whales. Without both whales and "guppies" (those who play a lot but contribute little to $0), the game collapses. Mechbays are inconsequential for whales and are a drop in the bucket compared to the money they bring in from larger purchases, but they are more than enough to drive away the guppies.
"It gives very small amounts of money to the devs" is not a good reason to have it if it destroys the game in the long run. Penny wise and pound foolish results in a failed game. So again, if you want to keep the system, explain the benefit it brings to the game, and how this benefit offsets the drawbacks.
Edited by Void2258, 04 January 2015 - 07:53 PM.