Balanced Medium
Posted 25 October 2013 - 04:29 AM

Posted 25 October 2013 - 04:34 AM
The Shadowhawk with LBX, Streaks, MLaser and 340XL engine going 100kph is quite fun, but easy to leg.
Mediums are always tough to balance with speed/weapons, but they are way better (more fun) fast than they are slow with more guns.
But some people like slow AC20 mediums (Wang, Hunchback, Shadowhawk) going about 70-80kph only.
Posted 25 October 2013 - 04:38 AM
Reno Blade, on 25 October 2013 - 04:34 AM, said:
The Shadowhawk with LBX, Streaks, MLaser and 340XL engine going 100kph is quite fun, but easy to leg.
Mediums are always tough to balance with speed/weapons, but they are way better (more fun) fast than they are slow with more guns.
But some people like slow AC20 mediums (Wang, Hunchback, Shadowhawk) going about 70-80kph only.
70-80 is good for me, but the hard part is getting one with more speed the 64.8. My Jager goes that fast and is just as (if not more) efficient. XLs are also a little touchy, because you can die easily with those (but I don't really care). The other issue is that I want to avoid engine replacement because it is (expensive), and I like my Mechs to be almost ready to use.
Posted 25 October 2013 - 04:41 AM
Only medium i have found success in and i too am almost exclusivly an assault/heavy pilot.
Posted 25 October 2013 - 04:55 AM
These are probably the best mediums right now, especially the shadowhawk.
Posted 25 October 2013 - 04:59 AM
The downside is that the side torsos are like barn doors and it is destroyed rather easily. It needs to stand behind bigger mechs and add firepower, it can't brawl.
Its a decent mech, but I agree that if you want to brawl with a medium a centurion or a hunchback are better.
Posted 25 October 2013 - 05:01 AM
Centurions are the bread and butter of mediums and the most "balanced" of all, but the fragile arms limit your weapon choices. Zombie cents are pretty good brawlers but require lots of experience in the chassis to do it right, and you're very disadvantaged in bigger maps.
Hunchbacks all specialize in one thing, but then you lose the hunch inevitably and become useless. 4SP is good on paper, balanced and plenty of hardpoints make it a pretty good brawler. Wonky SRM hit registration takes away your biggest punch though. 4SP also tend to lose their ST's quickly and that means losing half of your firepower as well.
Trebuchets suck at their primary role; being a fast LRM spammer because of their tonnage limitation and how terrible the smaller LRM's are. But they make excellent ML/SSRM/SRM brawlers, especially the jumpjet variants. Though again; in current "snipey" meta, it takes lots of experience to pilot these builds effectively. I'd say Trebs are one of the most balanced mediums, but the current AC/PPC meta and complete lack of ballistics on most variants means they get little use. 7K is the odd one but having its weapons mounted only in torsos mean it can't fight effectively at close range
(and no jumpjets to negate that).
Kintaros are nowhere near "balanced"; they specialize in hunting lights or annoying heavier mechs with screen shake. You'll get great damage output through SSRM2 whoring though.
. . . and your best option comes last; the Shadowhawk. Not only this one capitalizes on current ballistic meta, it also has balanced hitboxes, arm mounted aimed weapons unlike Treb 7K, jumpjets that give you survivability and is also the heaviest and most armored medium. Having hardpoints for all 3 weapon types, it's also the most flexible.
I left Cicada and Blackjack out for "reasons".
Edited by Tahribator, 25 October 2013 - 05:05 AM.
Posted 25 October 2013 - 05:10 AM
Tahribator, on 25 October 2013 - 05:01 AM, said:
Then you are not doing it right. Sorry but this is completely wrong, Trebs are excellent LRM support mechs.
Posted 25 October 2013 - 05:26 AM
How can you get your medium UNDER 60 kph?!
All the HBK are viable. The CN are awesome. Cicada's are nice (well, it is a light in disguise). BJ's make good mechs.
Trebuchets can work too! As LRM support as mentioned. Or as jumping SRM trowing brawlers. That 7K you mentioned can carry an AC20, so it must be a good mech.
Pick any of em :/
As mentioned, most mediums have one role or one task they excel at. Well rounded mediums don't work. They don't have the weight to do everything at an adequate level.
If i had to pick one i'd take either the HBK4-SP(classic 2xSRM6 + 4 MLas) the HBK4-P(9Mlas or 5MLas + 4SLas) the CN9-A (2Mlas 3xSRM6) or the BJ1 (AC20 Mlas JJ)
Edited by Red Line Pilot, 25 October 2013 - 05:26 AM.
Posted 25 October 2013 - 06:53 AM
Posted 25 October 2013 - 08:05 AM
Tahribator, on 25 October 2013 - 05:01 AM, said:
Centurions are the bread and butter of mediums and the most "balanced" of all, but the fragile arms limit your weapon choices. Zombie cents are pretty good brawlers but require lots of experience in the chassis to do it right, and you're very disadvantaged in bigger maps.
Hunchbacks all specialize in one thing, but then you lose the hunch inevitably and become useless. 4SP is good on paper, balanced and plenty of hardpoints make it a pretty good brawler. Wonky SRM hit registration takes away your biggest punch though. 4SP also tend to lose their ST's quickly and that means losing half of your firepower as well.
Trebuchets suck at their primary role; being a fast LRM spammer because of their tonnage limitation and how terrible the smaller LRM's are. But they make excellent ML/SSRM/SRM brawlers, especially the jumpjet variants. Though again; in current "snipey" meta, it takes lots of experience to pilot these builds effectively. I'd say Trebs are one of the most balanced mediums, but the current AC/PPC meta and complete lack of ballistics on most variants means they get little use. 7K is the odd one but having its weapons mounted only in torsos mean it can't fight effectively at close range
(and no jumpjets to negate that).
Kintaros are nowhere near "balanced"; they specialize in hunting lights or annoying heavier mechs with screen shake. You'll get great damage output through SSRM2 whoring though.
. . . and your best option comes last; the Shadowhawk. Not only this one capitalizes on current ballistic meta, it also has balanced hitboxes, arm mounted aimed weapons unlike Treb 7K, jumpjets that give you survivability and is also the heaviest and most armored medium. Having hardpoints for all 3 weapon types, it's also the most flexible.
I left Cicada and Blackjack out for "reasons".
I can sacrifice armor for speed. And I need a good set of weapon hardpoints.
Posted 25 October 2013 - 08:31 AM
Otherwise I'm mighty fond of the centurion especially a 9A splattercent.
Posted 30 October 2013 - 08:05 AM
Posted 30 October 2013 - 08:17 AM
That being said, the 7k I've had most success with an ERPPC and UAC/5, or 2 PPCs and Machine guns. It's worth putting armor in the arms to use as shields from your side torsos.
PPCs run hot right now, but they allow you to remain long range support, plus they stop ECM when you hit, which helps the other LRM boats.
Posted 30 October 2013 - 10:36 AM
DavidHurricane, on 25 October 2013 - 04:29 AM, said:

A SHD-5M is like a TBT-7K except it's better in every way: it has jump jets, more missile tubes, arm mounted lasers, torso ballistics are at cockpit height, and you can load more stuff on it (with a slight penalty to speed). With speed tweak, it goes 97 kph. IMO, one of the best builds with it is 2 ML, 2 SSRM2's, 1 AC5 and 1 AC2, XL300. Pretty good all around: decent for killing lights, decent for killing assaults, good mobility to be in the action/get out of dodge.
Oh and don't forget: it has much better hitboxes.
Edited by ohtochooseaname, 30 October 2013 - 10:36 AM.
Posted 30 October 2013 - 01:27 PM
The Trebuchet (or Treebucket as I affectionately call it) is OK, but I never cared for the hardpoint layouts for it, so I never tried them. Most folks I know who have say it needs the speed.
Posted 31 October 2013 - 05:24 AM
Posted 31 October 2013 - 06:27 AM
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