Christof Romulus, on 25 October 2013 - 05:56 PM, said:
Oh, and if you have your crosshair synced with your arms... yeah. Undo that.
In mechs that have a combination of weapons in their arms and torsos, I wouldn't actually recommend just turning off arm lock. Having the two tied together greatly improves accuracy... it actually makes your arms more precise too, since having them separate actually causes your arms to move on their own when you stop moving them, as they move slightly back towards the torso reticle.
Generally, I have a key mapped to unlock/lock them, and use it when necessary... on mechs where everything is in the arms and there is no lower actuator, I'll usually play with lock off.. but for mechs with a combination, I'll play with it on, and just unlock when I need to aim out of torso range. Especially when jump sniping, say in a shadowhawk, locked arms makes you much more accurate.
Some folks choose to run with the lock off, and just push the lock button before a shot, to lock the weapons together so they all hit one location, but I've found that it's more common that I want my weapons locked together, than it is that I need to only use my arms, if I got weapons spread across both locations.