I can go up to around $1,000 but would rather keep it around 400-600. I go out of town 4-5 times a year for a week or so.
You really have to make a decision here. Either you want to play MwO on the go, or you want a notebook in your price range. There is a middle ground to be had, but you're going to sacrifice SOMETHING in bargain.
My BEST advice to you is: Don't find what you can afford. Find the one you WANT. Save for it. GET IT. *DO NOT* "settle for what's good enough". It'll drive you nuts in the long run.
As far as GPU's are concerned, the GT675m runs MwO at stable settings [dips down to around 36, maxed] The 765m is another really good card for mobile. I'd say AT LEAST 670/760m to open [or comprable AMD card, if applicable]
As far as brands go, you've got to be VERY careful and read reviews. MSI for example has a ton of great looking "bang for buck" notebooks, and most of them have horrible heat issues. Asus . . was. . . famous for the same, due to horrible thermal paste jobs out of the factory. Can't say if they've cleaned up their act or not.
Sager/clevo are great ways to go, if you can stand the weight. You cited 4 or 5 times a year, so you may be fine with that. If you're looking for something lighter, there's always mac [meh] or Razer. The new Razer blade 14" carries an i7 and a 765m, but is roughly double your top end price. That price comes with support, however, and having had to deal with them in the past, I can tell you Razer support is absolutely awesome.
Someone already linked XoticPC's website, but to reiterate, this is a GREAT site to explore gaming grade notebooks.
Other thoughts:
If it needs a cooling pad, it's junk or defective. Counter to that is that most modern intel CPUs are have a thermal throttle temp of around 100-105c, and nvidia GPUs are similar [95-100c ish] a properly functioning cooling system shouldn't break 90c [the razer blade pro I had never went past 85c while running MwO... which is really impressive, given the form factor]
If you're wondering why I'm making a big issue of heat, it's because ultimately heat will make or break any portable machine under load. It doesn't matter how powerful it is if it keeps shutting down on you. If it can't handle it's own heat dissipation at load, it's either badly designed or defective.
Anyway, I hope that gave you a few ideas and a few things to think about. Good luck in your quest ^^
Edited by Sen, 27 October 2013 - 06:07 AM.