Vulgar Conqueror, on 27 October 2013 - 01:29 PM, said:
Roger that thanks
Here's the build. I strongly prefer 60 ammo and a lopsided loadout so to shoot around the right side of cover.
CTF-3D gaussphract
Modules are:
Adv sensor range lv 2
Adv seismic sensor (ridiculously helpful)
Adv Zoom (if you have cbills to waste and you want to use it)
No jjs? You're using a 3D without JJs? With the borked movement system they are a must and you could turn it into a jumpsniper as well.
CTF-3D, or ditch 1 JJ in favor of a 295xl but at least 1 should be present to allow some leaping here and there or jumpsnipe from low covers.
Notice the ammo positioning. Consumption is
HD --> CT --> RT --> LT--> LA --> RA--> LL--> RL this means that the first ammo pack that goes is the one in the head, then the ones in the ct, meaning that those packs of ammo present along the gauss rifles locations do a little bit of "crit buffering" since they are inert along with the medium lasers.. it's two crits vs the 7 of the GR but it's better than nothing.
Oh and I'd advice to ditch the adv sensor and take a target info instead.. so you'll know where to shoot where it hurts before you do now, imho of course.