Joseph Mallan, on 01 November 2013 - 03:33 AM, said:
Its been a while since I did this in a Centurion. I killed one Atlas fresh, an a second that was damaged... Using the stock AC10. I would never try it in a Stock Dragon, as I feel the Mech has ALWAYS been under gunned. On the other hand I have played most of my games in a D-DC and I have been killed by every other Mech in the game at least once. As I said, If I cannot overcome a heavier or lighter Mech(in my case they are
all lighter) I was not the better warrior in the contest.
a 200 ton weight advantage is mere 16 tons per Mech. 200 Ton advantage is not a lot to overcome.
I seem to be one of the only players willing to own that truth!

All that was going to be truth in a world where you can go with any mech against any mech - this game is hardly the case.
I've killed, for example, 5 assault mechs in a single match with my CTF-3D(2xUAC5s, 4xMediums) when the team caps where 8 ppl per team --> it was a match with 7 assaults on each side(I was the lightest mech on our team - logically), I was the last man standing(against 3 assaults) and I pushed it through. Got a screenie too btw - if you want proof - I just have to get to my gamer PC home

I personally don't have that much of an issue with those difference - I'm just observing how my team mates react to them - when the named happen to be some sort of new-ish players, ordinary they get really frustrated.
And by some reason the matchmaker does that - it puts some of them in my matches - I'm not hypocratic here, I'm just feeling sad when I gotto shoot down someone who's standing still and can't aim

- I prefer the challenge.
And, after the last few patches, I happen to see that sort of players a lot - on both sides.
And I know what you mean btw - when I'm on the field I always aim in the targets that are out of my league - with my CTF-3D I ordinary go for the Battlemasters/HGNs/Atlai rather than the other squishy targets.
Or the boom Jaggers - face to face - man style

Well alright - the last one aint completely true - I'm not an ***** afterall...
Also I had not just few games in which I killed 2(or more) sorta-fresh lights with my orion(AC10, 4xMeds, SRM6 + SRM4 + Artemis) or the named CTF-3D.
And this raw math... 16 tons is the difference between a poptarting highlander and an Orion. Between an Locust and an Raven 3-L. Between a Shadow Hawk and a Cicada. And almost the difference between an AWESOME and Atlai - if you restrict your whole team with this rule by a way or another - if we're talking about skilled players on both side... you're gona have a baaaaaaad time...
I'm not even whining about defeats or lack of victories - though my W/L ratio have dropped since the PPC hell(damn - even then it was better

) - though my match stats at the end of the game aint that different.
I don't care if I would win or lose, as long as the game is fun.
And here comes my issue - with such of a weight difference, the people are getting angry(on both sides btw) - it's ordinary either way to easier to win or way too impossible.
I don't think in these condition most of the reasonable players would have fun how about you?