Bishop Steiner, on 03 November 2013 - 06:19 AM, said:
And sure, by 3050 standards the 2H was a piece. When stacked up against other Mechs of the 3025 era, it did just fine.
Actually, as far as 3025 goes, it is really not the mech you'd ever want to use. Shad is a mech that shines with 3050 starting with 5X versions. In 3025, Vindicator beats it up on every front except speed, but Shad doesn't even have good usage for that marginal speed advantage, especially when one considers the fact that Vindy out-jumps the mech.
Here's a good write up on it:
"Unfortunately, the Shadow Hawk's arsenal is not a model of efficacy. Its centerpiece is the autocannon. No number needed, just the autocannon, which we've come to know and love as the AC 5. There's a lot to be said about that weapon, but most of it has already been said, so I'll leave you to read the relevant threads on your own. Suffice it to say, the Shadow Hawk needs more. It tries to answer that with a LRM 5, but that is not enough. A 10 point long range punch is not going to cut it, by and large. At short range, it can bring a medium laser and a SRM 2 into the picture, right as the LRMs go out of it. If it lucks out, it can do 19 points of damage. One more would produce the possibility of a PSR.
The up side to all this: a grotesquely over the top 12 heatsinks make this one of the few level 1 alpha babies. It can jump forever while firing till its ammo runs dry and not care. This, along with its wide array of different weapons types, makes the Shadow Hawk a popular first mech to learn on, in contrast to the heat hog mechs so common in the era.
In the end, the Shadow Hawk is best suited for supporting other, better mech. It can fight equally poorly at any range, and it will not go down fast, allowing it to hold the line while long ranged Griffins and brawling Wolverines do their job. Its speed allows it to work with lighter mechs, as the AC 5 is a bit scary to Wasps and Stingers, and a one hex movement advantage is not a whole lot when you're looking at a 9 hex range deficit."
Vindy simply does the same at a much lesser cost and does it better.
"I'll certainly defend it as the best designed mech in the 3025 TRO. It has about as much armor as it can carry, enough heat sinks to fire and move constantly (jump 4, PPC, LRM5 all day long), a PPC (the best heavy gun of the era), an LRM5 to support the PPC, reasonable close in guns with an ML and an SL. 4/6/4 is maneuverable enough for the time frame--yeah, 5/8/5 is better movement, but I'll take the Vindicator's guns over the guns of the various medium 5/8/5s every time--never ending PPC fire goes a long way towards making up for being a little slower than other mechs.
There are certainly more heavily armed mechs and faster mechs and mechs that are specifically better for specific instances, but in terms of pure good design, Vindicator has no significant flaws to point to."
KinLuu, on 03 November 2013 - 06:28 AM, said:
If not for the horrible CT hitbox, and the very low arm mounts, the dragon would be a hell of a heavy.
I'm sorry, KinLuu, but that's basically like saying: "If Dragon wasn't Dragon, it wouldn't suck."
The only thing I could think of is making the frontal hood a bit shorter, ala MW4 (not that short, but in the same sense).