I would like to see the Announcements Forum be set to Read-Only. If you want discussion on an Announcement, post a link to a Feedback Thread located elsewhere on the Forum. It would make it easier to see new Announcements this way instead of always seeing something new every time someone replies to an old post (I use the Mark Forum Read feature).
These Forums are already difficult enough to navigate and find pertinent information such as when a Developer or PGI Staff Member posts a reply. I guess I am used to so many other game forums that have an easier method to read such posts (ie., when a Dev posts, their posts are automatically linked/consolidated into a Dev Post thread and/or a thread with a Dev post has an identifying icon in the thread list).
The only way I have found to read such posts is to use the User created thread where someone posted a link to several Devs and PGI Staff members profiles that show their recent posts. It is really clunky and you have no idea if there has been a recent response by someone ... your only choice is to click on the name and see.
2 replies to this topic
Posted 23 October 2013 - 03:42 AM
Posted 23 October 2013 - 04:15 AM
I second this, too difficult to find the most current announcements.
Posted 04 November 2013 - 11:21 AM
Niko Snow, on 04 November 2013 - 10:37 AM, said:
This is an interesting suggestion and we will add it to a list of ideas for future Community Suggestions for the Forums, to be addressed at our next forum update.
Thanks Niko!
When you add this to the list, please put about three to five asterisks on either side of the sentence containing the icons beside threads that contain dev posts. J
(Unrelated: thank you for adding a change e-mail address and password section to the profile page)
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