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Hud Bugs

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#1 Troutmonkey


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Posted 04 November 2013 - 06:05 AM

These issues have been a minor problem ever since I started playing, but I would love to have them fixed at some point: Maybe UI 2.0? Or is that just client stuff.

1. Compass frequently fails and shows objectives in the wrong direction, especially on assault. Turning 90 degrees and then looking back usually fixes the icon temporarily
2. Players vanish from HUD / Minimap. Sometimes players icons don't show if I or a team mate don't have LOS of them, same as an enemy marker.
3. Chat messages don't carry between pre-game, game, death, and post-game menus. If I'm typing while the chat window changes, I lose what I was typing. Very frustrating.
4. Can't see objectives on minimap after death. A bug, or a feature?
5. Multiple chat - sometimes I see my own chat messages more than once in the log.
6. Not a bug but I would love to see letters on the compass for each capture point:

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