ArmageddonKnight, on 08 November 2013 - 10:38 AM, said:
i have always said that the physical size of weapons should matter. So you couldnt chuck on huge weapons or loads of them on certain mechs becouse they physicaly couldnt fit them. But u can ..and this is due to the completly unrestricted hardpoitn system.
So what does PGI do? .. Do they restrict hardpoints so they match the mechs physical frame ?
NOPE ! ofcourse not this is PGI !!!
instead they put in even mroe time to create all new graphical module system that changes depending on the weapon installed. Not enough room ? no problem here have more mech to fit stuff in.
And ths is the result.
PGI ..really ? this isnt April 1st. WTF are u thinking.
you dont chaneg the way mechs looks so drasticaly. Stick to BT lore ffs. if a mech like the catapult is suposed to have anything other than a Missile launcher in its 'ear's then so be it, let its model change, but if its meant to have x number of missles in its ears, change the number of tubes, dont go bolting thignso n the side that comeplty destroys the original design look of the mech.
Anyway back to hardpoint restrictions. Not only would it have made this a non issue, it would have helped ALOT in balancing the game and helping to reduce the stupid skilless alpha meta. ofc it wouldnt stop it without other changes aswell like convergance,, but thats another story.
PGi u keep making stupid decision after stupid decision, keep it up and u wont have a player base to dissapoint

GalaxyBluestar, on 06 November 2013 - 06:03 PM, said:
as i mentioned this train wreck of thought was requested by players and pgi in search of monies pandered to their whim. i wouldn't blame pgi totally for this, they're balancing scaling and weapon fitments across the board because people wanted more realistic scalling whilst staying to this loose "i can put anything on anything" customisation mechanic.
the people who came up with changing artwork to fit the customised weapons said stuff like this
"I think is a better solution than starting to make sized critical slot... but that is a good way to make variants more different"
to those refusing altering the crit slots and upping a few hard point numbers to compensate. how do you feel now? metas have given us a few ferraris, a few viables and a lot of scrape and now ugliness to justify it!
you're going to take the good with the bad and if it's true hitboxes and HP are coded into these things then they're not going to change it for a while.
i see why they didn't run a poll seeing if the playerbase would okay these changes because they've had great support in this tomfoollery until now.
looking forward to ac20 been shrunk for raven and that makes atlas look stupid, same with awesome's ppc barrels, hunchies might like their hunch shrinking but boy the treb, victor and awesome t and r going to cop something terrible for big lurm launchers etc etc.
Edited by GalaxyBluestar, 10 November 2013 - 05:49 PM.