If it was actually random win/loss would be 1.0 after a couple of hundred matches.
it isn't.
Then again we've been over this repeatedly.
800 damage means next to *nothing* in terms of a team winning or losing. 80 match score means *nothing* in terms of a team winning or losing. It means you got assists, or you use LB10X instead of AC10s and did plenty of damage to components to wrack up the score instead of putting the kill down. A guy who pop the right leg off every enemy mech and all but guarantees a win for his team might get a 40 match score since he did comparatively little damage and no kills.
The ECM spider who sticks with his team or uses ECM to disrupt enemy LRM fire does little damage but sows havoc on the enemy team, the two man suicide squad that drew half the enemy team to the tunnel and died with only 140 damage and a score of 30 absolutely swung the match in his teams favor.
Conversely the guy in the 2 PPC Cicada who lurks in the back and finishes every mech with a red CT he can find isn't contributing anything to the match that a stock locust couldn't do, only with more spine. He does get a high KDR though, right? Especially when he runs off and shuts down as soon as the match looks like his team is going to lose. He'd have a high KDR and probably a high average score since he rarely exposes himself to fire and survives most matches.
In the end, win/loss is what matters. It's all that really matters. Every single other factor, luck of the matchmaker, who you drop with/against, these are metrics that are the same for EVERYONE. For this mythical magical 'evil matchmaker bad luck' to function it would have to be driven by sentience and purposefully gimp only the people who come here to say the MM is evil and unfair.
All that balances out. What doesn't balance out is YOU. We are, each one of us, the only consistent variable in every match we play. Every single other variable balances out across every other player. Different builds, mechs, weapons, modules, maps, they all contribute in different ways both good and bad to our performance. If you play well and focus on helping your team win rather than getting a high score/more kills you absolutely WILL win more than you lose. If you hone your skill with a couple styles that work well then you'll kill more enemies and pull more than your 1/12th the burden in matches and thus statistically win more than people who don't pull as hard.
It's math. It's not even hard math. In every single match your team is divided in effort 12 ways. If you bring a bigger piece of success, be that in kills or damage or assists or spotting or tactics or positioning or drawing disproportionate enemy attention or whatever you'll result in a bigger over-all total. Sometimes it's enough to counter-balance any detriment on your team from the other 11, sometimes its not. This is absolutely balanced out by the times the other team gets left with a comparatively empty bucket. How much YOU BRING is what makes the statistical difference FOR YOU in the aggregate.
You want to win more? Bring more. Do better. Focus on how to win the match not how to raise your personal score. That's exactly why Elo works - it doesn't measure your score because you can always game that. It measures how consistently you help bring your team a victory. The only way to game win/loss is by winning more or losing more. Which, in turn, affects your score.
Elo works in MW:O. It's the right system to use for matchmaking in this sort of game and that's why other games of the same genre (like LoL) use something similar.
Victor Morson, on 09 November 2013 - 06:04 PM, said:
And this is the reason everything you have said to this point is entirely invalid about ELO. If you control a third of the team, then yes, you can make a massive increase in difference.
Having one winning streak with 4-mans I can believe, as unlikely as it is, but still - your initial argument seemed to take the rather definite posture of "See if you're super super good yourself, and you believe really really hard, you too can change the game!" style rhetoric, when in reality, that is entirely an unrealistic picture to paint.
In fact, the fact you had a 4 man rolling teams 70 times in a row just goes to prove my point even more. Are you saying every one of the pilots you faced in 70 games deserved a crushing loss because they didn't have an equally effective 4-man to counter yours? Are you saying that entering with a crack 4-man and influencing who wins/looses entirely makes w/l any kinds of acceptable for ELO of the individual pilots?
And most importantly you understand that solo pilots, no matter how skilled and how much damage they get, lost ELO because they had a worse team?
Every one of those solo pilots was equally as likely to be on the same team as Wispy and his 3 friends as they are the other team and its less successful 4man. Statistically irrelevant to everyone who pugs.
For your point to work the MM would have to be sentient and evil. An interesting proposition but I admit one I find unlikely.