I understand that some of the advanced features of the CmdMap, (arc's,overlays.) would normally only be used as a ROM after-action feature for playback of the battle. [and then at the Upper Command level or for company training] And possibly something PGI could/might think about for there recording options.
- Use of this Command Console needs to bring a large benefit to the Company to actually mount this asset.
Having access to elements that no other Mech or Pilot has, elements that could play a pivotal role in the battle if used correctly. Abilities to see what single Mech's cannot, and the reason for the restriction on what Mech's can mount this feature.
I can understand why PGI has held back development of this item, as it could be a game changer if given too much. And most of the strategic assets that it requires are not fully designed yet.
- Once Planetary Warfare is brought into the game we will need many of these Command abilities that this element should have.
The OP's idea for a maintained list of enemy chassis is great, but should not be a function of the Command Console.
- An advanced C1/C3 option would be a better location to place it and would fall into the player specialization roles that will soon be arriving. (possibly under the scout/command role, to be relayed back to the company for all to use. - loose you scout/s loose the update/info feature)
- So your enemy Mech info now becomes a two phase requirement and not a single mech all info gather.
In our current battles most of this info on chassis types is not used as it should be, mostly due to the small battle fields, types of match's. [Conquest, Assault, Skirmish] and lack of Comms. And the battle normally flows too fast to be of immediate relevance, but as we move into extended battles and multi missions we are going to need current enemy elements identified and shown.
Edited by 9erRed, 03 February 2014 - 03:01 AM.