In the Northlands the nights are getting longer and the days are getting colder. Snow stirs on our mountain tops and threatens with each passing sunset to push further into our chilly valleys.
The winds have changed and winter lays siege to the last bastions of our failing fall.
For the soft people of the south this is a time of worry and death. A time to fear and cower, a time to whisper unanswered prays to weak wine gods. But we are not of the south.
Just as the Æsir find strength in the knowledge of their Doom, so too do we find strength in winters angry adversity. Instead of bowing before the cold and giving into the inevitable chill, our blood runs hot in defiance with the passion of life. We sing, we feast, we raise up sacred tress in the likeness of the Yggdrasil and we defy the Winter and its Frost Giant minions with our every warm breath.
And it was in this way that we hardy Norseman tamed and took ownership of the Winter. It is our time now. We fear it no more than a man fears a tame dog. To celebrate our victory, our mastery of the dead-months, we hold Yule.
Thus I blow my mighty horn and call upon all Norse Denizens of both the Inner Sphere and periphery to heed my words. FRR and JarnFolk alike, along with any worlds or peoples who still hold true to the Old Ways of the North.
We should not let Yule pass us by unnoticed. We should not let it slip beneath the cracks of time, uncelebrated, unheralded, unheeded, unknown. It is our sacred duty to remember and do glory by Yule, to prove our mastery of this season to all outsiders. To give rightful honor to the Æsir and heroes who've gone before us.
Therefore I propose a tournament to span the entire FRR.
The Tournament: A Work in Progress
We'll have 8-16 committed four man lances. Each lance will be made up of a light, medium, heavy and assault BattleMech. We'll hold matches on December 7th, 14th and 21st. It'll be a single elimination tournament. I hope to have enough mechs for us to be able to do a 48 man sync drop, but if we have to..we can just do 24 sync man drops for all the teams.
Other than limiting the 'Mechs to one of each class I have no inclination to add any other restrictions. But If people want to push me I could be talked into other things.
Let us battle, bleed, sing and earn glory before the snow-covered gates of Asgard this season!
Though I do not wish that. Yule belongs to none of us, and should instead be shared by all of us. We shall hold a tournament this December. Nothing too complicated or taxing, but something that involves us all.
If you wish to take part in it, if you wish to properly honor the Northern Gods and earn fame for yourself and your war-band, please respond to this message. Or even if you are a Lone Viking with no brothers of battle, worry not for all warriors are welcome. Please get in contact with me.
We are the FRR and this is our season. Let's show everyone how well we own it.

-Jarl Dane of the Isengrim
Edited by Mech The Dane, 15 November 2013 - 11:25 PM.