The Mechwarrior/Battletech universe is so rich, and full of design options... yet after all this developement, and what, a year or so of public beta - we basically have a reasonable number of mechs, about 12 maps, and a whole 2 battle types? That is really, really sad. Further more, my dissapointment is also riddled with a bit of concern. Quite a bit of missed deadlines, broken promises, and evidence on multiple occasions of "test rollouts" resulting in really poor results. That all just doesn't bode well. Yet Piranah has no qualms asking up to $80 for purchases that provide not much more than a few nicely painted mechs, extra bays, and useless cockpit ornamentation. That is A LOT of money, for very, very little.
I hope this is all just a learning experience, and one that the dev's are actively learning from and will show signs of improvement going forward. I really, really want this title to become something..but I can't shake the feeling that it must at least make a statement soon. In the state that things are in currently, there is so little to keep people paying attention, not to mention paying actual $$, that boredom and dissinterest will drive so many people away that when actual content is added, it'll be far to late.
Edited by Council13, 13 November 2013 - 01:05 AM.