1. Target Friendly allows you to know the exact state of your allies in the battlefield. the Percent number is vague and often misleading. If I'm 100% healthy, but I'm red cored on my cockpit, I'm nearly at death's door. However, my number doesn't show that. More common you find your allies with a high percentage but red cored on your CT or side torsos. It also lets me know if they even have any weapons left.
2. Knowing what your team has equipped is important in a team-based game. Why is it that I know more about what my enemy has equipped than what my own teammates have? Are they long range, are they short range? Knowing that you have a bunch of LRM boats would be helpful to know before the fighting breaks out. It would help you formulate a plan at the start.
3. It takes no extra space on the HUD. One argument against this feature is that it would add uncessary clutter on the screen. However as you can see with the screenshot, it would replace the enemy target portion of the UI. So players would have two hotkeys: R to target enemy and maybe E for friendly target. When they hit E, the enemy they had targeted would be deselected and it would target a friendly instead. Not too hard and no loss of HUD space.
Alright that's all I can think of. I see zero downside to adding this feature and several upsides. Remember, this is a team based game where information is paramount. We should be able to know the state of our team without having to jump through hoops or be forced to guesstimate some vague percent.
(Just pretend the text is green as well. My MS paint skills weren't up to the task.)
Edited by Jman5, 25 November 2013 - 03:30 PM.