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A Special Thanksgiving Post...

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#1 Tice Daurus


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Posted 27 November 2013 - 10:14 AM

Hey gang! Tice Daurus here!

I've been away for a while on the forums here and I wanted to say hello. In my last post, I was asking for donations to my website to help raise money for school. Since the moderators have told me that I can't share the link to my website, and I respect the rules of these forums and this site, I will refrain from linking anything about my donation website. So mods, if you are reading this I will not be linking anything from my site.

However, I wanted to share my special Thanksgiving post I put up on my website blog, so I'm going to bring it here so you can read it, and I hope you will like it.


Seeing that Thanksgiving is tomorrow I figured that today, I would count my blessings for myself. You might think that because I don't have a job...that I don't have anything to be thankful for right now. Well you would be wrong, because there is a lot I can say I'm thankful for, even though I am out of work. Just because bad things have been happening as of late, it doesn't mean I can't be thankful for things in my life. Stuff like:

- my two children
- my folks
- having a roof over my head, a place to stay, and food to eat
- being able to have decent friends that I can count on
- I'm alive
- I'm got all my fingers and toes aka my health
- I've got clean underwear (never discount the importance of clean underwear)
- a sense of humor to help me laugh at things when times are dark and gray
- a sense of compassion and empathy for others
- Most importantly, I have my faith in God that things will get better

Now, these things to some of you, you might think this might be trivial. Some of you might take these things for granted. But those of you who have wealth, a job, good family to buy you things and take care of you, put you through college, or that you have good health, you might have a tendency to overlook this. You might even say to yourself, "Well thinks are ok on my end. Why should I care about anyone else?" This is exactly the time to care about others. Early this morning, I got up and spent 6 hours donating my time and effort into helping give away turkeys once again to the people who need them most. And you know what? I didn't even mention myself to the charity I was helping that I too am in need of help myself. Yes, I'm unemployed and I can't afford to help my folks with food, but I am lucky and grateful enough to help others, so today I donated my time to help others with no thought of reward for myself. And in truth I did get rewarded, but not with food myself. No, my reward was helping other people like myself who are just like me or even less fortunate than myself and that sense of giving my time and effort to help out...you couldn't remove the smile I have off of my face even if you had a scalpel to take it off. The joy of giving to others, counting your blessings, and giving thanks for what you have is the key for this holiday season.

And that is the gift I want to give you. The gift of knowledge that no matter what happens in your life, even when things seem the blackest, that things will be better. Hang on and battle through those tough times.

- You are unique, there is no one like you ever in the world, and there will never be another one like you.
- Count your blessings, and be thankful for what you have every single day.
- Go the extra mile. If someone asks you to do something, do it with gladness in your heart and do the best job you can possibly do, and then when you can't go anymore, push yourself to go that little bit father to make the difference.
- Walk a mile in another person's shoes. Try to see things from other people's perspectives, so that while you can see things from your side of things, try to take the time to see what it would be like from other people's perspectives and how they are trying to deal with things and in return you will be blessed with the ability to communicate, empathize, and understand what they are going through.

These are my gifts to you this holiday season. Cherish them well.

Today, I will not ask of you to help me out here on my site for sharing this link, or getting people to comment, or giving me questions on my site, or to asking you to donate to help me out. Today is the day that I want to help you by giving you my thanks for reading this website and taking the time to at least read it, or share it, or participating with your comments and/or questions, or that you might have donated in the past.

Thank you for being there for me, my friends, my readers. May God bless and keep you safe from harm this holiday season. May God protect and watch over you and your family and friends. I ask this in his name. And for people who don't believe in God, please beg me to at least say that I respect your beliefs that you don't believe in God, but at least allow me to say I thank you for being there for me, for being a good person with good beliefs and that I wish you the best during this holiday season.

With all of this said, thank you so much for taking the time to read this. God bless, an peace be unto both you, your family and your friends. :-)

#2 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 27 November 2013 - 11:06 AM

View PostTice Daurus, on 27 November 2013 - 10:14 AM, said:

- my two children
- my folks
- having a roof over my head, a place to stay, and food to eat
- being able to have decent friends that I can count on
- I'm alive
- I'm got all my fingers and toes aka my health
- I've got clean underwear (never discount the importance of clean underwear)
- a sense of humor to help me laugh at things when times are dark and gray
- a sense of compassion and empathy for others
- Most importantly, I have my faith in God that things will get better

I second this, and while I do not have kids or a wife of my own (...yet! :)):

- I am grateful for my family, for my parents and siblings
- I am very grateful for the roof over my head (snowing outside and all that :lol:)
- Clean undergarments? very grateful for that (laundry day today, so they're clean even)
- Good friends are something I am grateful for every day - even when I forget to be grateful for other things
- I am very grateful for my health
- I am grateful for this game, and the many others I have to pass the time with.
- I am grateful for God
- I am grateful I live in a country that guarantees I can worship Him as I feel is right
- I am also grateful for many other things, too many for me to count or even keep track of. :huh:

#3 Eximar


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Posted 27 November 2013 - 11:26 AM

I thank the Lord for all that I am and all that I have. For Him, my family, my friends, my business, and for a wonderfully blessed life. May all that have needs look to Him for their daily fulfillment.

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